The day before yesterday

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That morning I woke up completely relaxed, my alarm clock didn't go off. That was strange, looked at it: 6:58 AM. wow that's a first I woke up two minutes before the alarm clock went off I turned it off and started getting ready to go jogging

My mom prepared me a 'nutritious' breakfast some oatmeal and a glass of low-fat milk, when did she get that? I don't know but moms are scary aren't they? Next thing I knew I was walking to the park on my sweatpants and sneakers, when I arrived I looked up at Rosa's house and she was at the balcony absorbed on a book, oh so she likes to read! I wonder what kinds of books she likes.

I started stretching this time I will not let the bad memories push me over the edge or else mom will get so mad at me that I will not be able to see Rosa again. I started jogging lightly first fifteen minutes weren't so bad I was a bit tired but, maybe was because I slept so good I wasn't as tired as yesterday. Yet when I wanted to stop I closed my eyes and my feet continued even thought I wanted to stop I couldn't... the expression was pushing me. I even heard the insults this time it was worse than yesterday... Am I going to die here? And another fifteen minutes passed, my legs started to hurt I felt like small needles were being trusted on my feet but then I heard something that made me stop on my tracks

"Stop!" Rosa's weak voice echoed, apparently she tried to yell but it was more like someone talking normally "are you trying to pass out again?" what? No! why would I...

"My father told me that you should rest a bit after a few minutes of running" wait what are you doing here? Don't you faint if you stand on the sun too much?

"Are you ok?..." when I looked at her I understood she was wearing another white sundress this time over her head she had a hat, a big one, it looked funny and cute at the same time

"What? Me? of course am I" she put her palm on her chest in a signal of pride, for the first time I noticed she was quite 'small' well some say that is a 'status symbol'

"I am not as weak as you may think! Plus my father told me that is good that I take a walk every now a then" Well I guess it's time for me to take a break.

We sat on a picnic table facing each other. She started to fidget again... how many times have I said that she is cute? Well I think I have to break the ice again.

"Why are you pushing yourself so hard?" eh? Wasn't I was supposed to ask something cool? And now you are cornering me with such a question

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to ask something personal" I guess my concern showed on my face. Ok relax I have to act cool (why?)

"Oh no don't worry I can tell you if you want"

"YES! Please" whoa an instant response. There is not turning back here so I started to tell her all about Katie and that I confessed to her and her response. I talked about it as it had happened months ago, but realized it had been the day before yesterday. She heard me like I was telling a little girl a fairy-tale with the occasional 'oh' and 'really?' when I finished she was in complete silence for like a minute, is that what people call awkward silence?

She finally broke the thick atmosphere "do you still like her?" what!? You are more direct that what you look you are as scary as my mother! But I guess I have to answer her question do I still like Katie? I closed my eyes and there she was with her expression before leaving the classroom.

What do feel? Do I feel love?


"No I don't think I like her anymore" I felt this was the most sincere answer I could give

"Do you hate her?"

"No" I lied a bit but hating someone is not a side of myself I want Rosa to know

"So, if you don't like her and you don't hate her then why you keep pushing yourself so hard?" eh? cornered again? This woman is dangerously perceptive maybe I should change the subject of this conversation.

"Well, I want to lose weight because I want to be healthy that's all that there is for it" yeah that sounded pretty convincing.

"oh" a dry response didn't fit the image I had of Rosa

"Anyway I saw you reading a book in the balcony of your house" Let's change the subject please. Rosa reached her bag an took a thick hard cover book and lifted it so I could see the cover but not her face I squinted my eyes to read the tittle

"The fall of Hyperion" is that some kind of fantasy novel? Never heard of it I am more of a romance reader. "It's is good?"

"Yes!" she started to tell me the basic plot of the story and every time she was about to tell me a spoiler she would stop talking for a few seconds and say in a low voice "oops almost spoil you"

We continued talking for about an hour; I had to continue my routine so when our conversation topic waned I told her I had to continue running. She was surprised and looked at her wrist watch

"Oh! It's already too late for me! Dad will be mad"

"Huh?" it was almost eleven o'clock it's not that late "I was supposed to come here only for half an hour"

"Oh do you want me to accompany you to your house?" I said this as gentlemanly as possible trying to not sound creepy, she hesitated for a few seconds before answering

"No, don't worry I can go home by myself you should continue your exercises" ah yeah I guess I was a bit creepy for her

"but" but? "you can walk me home tomorrow" YES!... wait why am I so happy for such a simple thing, she grabbed her bag and started walking away I started to feel that I had to say something

"Rosa!" she spun with her feet she had a big smile on her face

"Yes?" ah why did I call her, it was something I did on an impulse I really didn't have anything to say to her I just wanted to see her smile again but saying something like that would be too embarrassing or creepy either way I can't say that

"Will you lend me, when you finish it, that book you are reading?" she seemed confused for a moment "and I can lend you one of my books too" she tilted her head like those puppies you see on pet stores that makes you want to bring them home.

"They are mostly romance but some are good and have decent fantasy elements you may like one of these" She didn't say anything, did I fuck up? She spoke in her tender sweet voice

"Of course" big smile again, I can't get enough of that smile of hers. She continued walking along the road that went to her house and I stood there looking at her, becoming smaller and smaller the farther she was until she reached her house and disappeared behind the big wooded door.

for that day I continued running for another half an hour my legs started to hurt again but when I closed my eyes I saw a smile that told me to stop and so I did I was drenched in sweat I probably smelled like a pig, my legs hurt like if they were broken or something but I felt a happy warm feeling on chest I walked the way back home and reached my house without even thinking about it I was in auto-mode. My head was filled of her and her small frame, her beautiful smile, her milky pale skin and the long black hair that contrasted so well with it. This can't be love right?

That night slept like a toddler I had a dream where I was talking with Rosa, she laughed of my silly jokes and we ate lunch together when only one toast was left of the basket we both reached for it at the same time and our fingers touched, and then I woke up.

My heart was beating so hard it felt like it wanted to go meet Rosa by himself.

"Yes, it is love."

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