Hero (END)

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The next Morning while walking to school, I meet with Tom on the way. We walked together. I still felt Rosa's lips pressing against mine and her tongue touching mine... too lewd, way too lewd to be thinking such things this early in the morning. When we went around the corner we saw a lot of students heading to the school's gates we both were walking slowly so we were a bit behind everyone else.

"Leave me alone!" a girl voice yelled at the top her lungs "I told you I don't want to see you anymore" Tom and me looked at the source of the yells and there she was Katie with an older guy with the uniform of another school he was grabbing  her from her wrist and Katie was clearly struggling trying to set herself free, the students who passed beside her ignored the situation and those who dared to look at them were greeted with a glare from the guy and a 'The fuck are you looking at.'

Tom started to walk towards them and looked back at me his eyes told me everything I had to know 'Do something nice for her as a thanks, I wonder if such opportunity will present'

Before I knew it I was trying to catch up to Tom as we approached the struggling couple most other students walked past them trying to ignore the situation Tom was going to say something but I went ahead and yelled

"Hey What the fuck are you doing" My manly voice was back, the guy of course was not pleased at being interrupted

"Get lost loser" I grabbed him from the arm while tom yanked Katie off his grasp the guy launched a fast punch but was stopped a few inches away from my face Tom had clawed his fist with his left hand while holding Katie with his right arm, Tom likes to act cool all the time or it just comes naturally to him? Tom Twisted his arm behind the guy's back and give him a kick in the butt sending him flying several feet. I then noticed we were surrounded by a crowd of students. the guy stood up looking ready to start fighting

"Hey you Kid!" our P.E Teacher lovingly nicknamed 'Arnold' (you may guess why) came running at us with Emily behind him, The older guy looked at the mass of muscles approaching so he ran away.

"What is all this ruckus? Were you two in a fight?" aw shit we are going to get into trouble... my mom is going to kill me... she may even ground me and I will not be able to see Rosa for a few weeks. Tom tried to talk to the teacher but it was useless

"No you see, Arnold..." idiot

"My name is not Arnold you little prick, you call me Teacher Joseph or I'll make you run a hundred laps around the school" even the cool Tom couldn't stop Arnold's verbal rampage

"Stop!" Katie spoke up her face was full of tears, and she wasn't wearing makeup, weird.

"They helped me there was this guy who wanted to take me to his house by force, he has been stalking me all summer" Arnold's face suddenly became paternal and concerned.

"Oh is that so?" and he looked around all the students nodded, he changed his tone of voice

"well you guys did well then you chased away an stalker" he puffed his chest in pride and then yelled at all the students there

"OK little shrimps get moving!, your classes are about to start!" he looked at us and said

"You three too" and winked his eye... creepy, the mob started to disperse.

Tom suddenly realized that he has been hugging Katie all this time so he quickly pushed her away, eh? So even he has his uncool moments. Katie looked like she wanted to say something but we just started to walk away.

"Wait!" we both stopped on our tracks and looked back with perfect synchronization

"…Who are you?" WHAT! "I'm Tom ... from your class did you hit your head?"

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