A little brother ❤️

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Third person POV:-

Agni went upstairs to wake up the Young Master of the house. Agni went to that room and knock at the door for few time but after getting no response she opened the door herself and saw a younger boy sleeping peacefully on his bed. Seeing the boy Agni suddenly started to miss his little brother even tho he was her cousin but she loved him so much and tears started to come in her eyes. 

"this is  not the time for getting emotional stupid." Agni told herself and and goes near the bed. She poked his fluffy cheeks and tried to wake him up. After few minutes thee boy wake up and started rubbing his eyes. 

" Good morning Baby and It is not a good thing to rub you eyes like that" Agni said to him and his eyes widen to see a unknown girl in his room. 

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my room.? Who gave you the permission to enter my house and room? Get out NOW." He yelled at Agni and She got a little upset at first but soon her Sadness went away when she felt that little boy is scared.

"Okay okay I'll go but first lemme introduce myself My name is Agni Chauhan and I'm your caretaker  from now on for few days and as you can see I'm older than you so I would like you calling me big sister Okay baby boy." Agni said the whole thing with smile but last sentence with seriousness.  

"So you are here for work and " he got cut by Agni before he can complete his sentence                      "I would like to know your name first." Agni said                                                                                                    "umm... My n-name I-I am Li-Syuk Yoon The second child of  Yoon family." The boy said stammered and Agni can see his nervousness so she sat beside him and gently hugged him

"You know what little one I have a younger brother just like you and he's so sweet. He loves me a lot and I love him too but I can't talk to him right now but you-- seeing you feels like I'm looking at  him and I love this feeling." Agni said to him and parted away from hug and Li-Syuk looked at her confusingly.

"You don't look Korean but your Korean is good wait-- you said you don't have phone, are you poor like literally broke? Are you here for my money? Are you being so sweet so that you can manipulate me and kidnap me and ask money from my brother and.."                                

"Yo wait wait wait......... Do you watch so many movies based on criminal documentaries or do you watch Bollywood movies every night? Because the way you are making series of crime to be done I bet you have watched so many dramas huh right no?'' Agni said to Li-syuk and laughed 

"N-No I don't W-watch criminal documentaries " Li-Syuk said and looked down. 

" Yes baby I'm not Korean I'm Indian and and I bet I'm more rich than you so don't worry. It just something happened that's why I end up here as your caretaker but I think It's not that bad. I got a little brother like you."  Agni giggled and Li-syuk smiled with her 

"So Can I call you Nuna" Li-syuk asked her and she lovingly said yes.

''Now wake up baby and get ready I'm going to make some sandwiches for you. Would you eat them.?'' Agni asked him lovingly 

"Yes but If they taste good" he said teasingly and giggled                                                                                      "Yaaah are you making fun of me You little monkey'' Agni said and started to tickle him and he started to laugh. After some time Agni came downstairs smiling and Li-Syuk started to get ready for breakfast. 

When she came downstairs everyone was just silent looking at her .

"Is everything okay? why you guys looking so shocked?" She asked confused 

"How did you do that?" Mr. Park asked her rising his one eyebrow

"Do what?" she asked him 

"Make young master laugh. How did you do that?" He asked her again

"Stop it guys you all are scaring like I did something wrong. Like Ajjuma said he's a sweet boy of course he'll laugh when I'll tickle him." she said and giggled to herself but stopped when she saw a man coming toward the dinning table focused on rolling his sleeves of his midnight black shirt looking so hot sexyyyy....................................... 

 (please vote and comment buddies I love you all and I'll update the next chapter soon )

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