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(Quackity POV)

I woke up to Wilbur leaning in the doorway looking unamused. He was wearing brown joggers and a white t shirt.

"Ughhhh shut the door asshole!" I groaned into my pillow.

"It's 2pm. Get up. I slept on the sofa for you!"
Wil flares his hands about like a child and launches a pillow at my head.

I pulled the duvet over my head and groaned again. Next thing I know the duvets being yanked violently off of me. "YOU PRICK!"

I jumped up and my half-naked body was exposed to the cold. The trousers I was wearing were a bit big, so they hung off my waist slightly, showing the waistband of my boxers.

"Get your lazy ass up!" He laughed

"You've got no right to look at my ass!"

"Shut up."

Wilbur came in and flopped onto the bed, combing his fingers through his knotted hair, well, attempting to.

"Your hairs a fucking mess dude, can't you take care of it?"

I pulled Wilbur by his arm and sat him on a chair, then wetted his hair.

"What are you doing?" He questioned, looking up at me in the mirror in front of him.

"Your hair?"

I scrunched his curls up and used a towel to dry them gently. Much better! Wilbur's face showed no emotion, he just stared at himself.

"Hey, you okay?" I rubbed his shoulders.

He let his head fall and closed his eyes "I'm stressed."

I continued to massage his shoulders while we spoke. "okay, talk to me about it."

"When do I start? I so desperately want tallulah back here with me, but when do I start looking? I don't even have any leads on her."

"It's going to be fine, Wilbur. I promise."

"Quackity I'm sorry I didn't protect you from dream." Wilbur stood up and turned to face me, he was so much taller.

There was a faded flashback of him leant over me, blood on his hands, crying hysterically.
I sighed. "It isn't your fault."

Wilbur was quick to question my hesitant response, he looked down at me.

"I'm so confused. I don't know what's happening in your head, or in mine, but it's scary. I feel drawn to you. Every time I visión my future, in a daydream or in my sleep, your in it. I don't want to go or be anywhere if you aren't coming with me. Everything I do is for you, and I want to keep it that way. Quackity, I'm addicted to you."

I didn't respond. Just fed Wilbur an empathetic look, and I felt stupid in front of him.

I felt stupid all the time in Wilbur's presence.
He was good at everything. Wilbur was smart, he was caring, understanding, comforting, tall, good singer, slightly handsome.

He was everything, to everyone. Everyone wanted something from Wilbur, and who was i to judge? What was I to anyone?

"Quackity, you are my sunrise. There is no light in my life without you, when you got revived, I felt that glow approach me again, I felt good. You make me feel good."

Nobody has ever spoken to me like that before, but it felt euphoric. I meant something to Wilbur. And he meant the same to me. Knowing that sort of passion was there relaxed me, but also made my stomach do flips.
I looked up Wilbur, his lips parted, and noticed how his looks really were a lot more, then 'slightly handsome.' I felt my heart in my chest, pounding against my rib cage like it was desperate to escape.

I put my hands around his neck and pressed my lips against his, and kissed him.

And Wilbur kissed me back.

(Author pov)

Tommy sat at the kitchen table, watching his corn flakes go soggy and the milk get warm.

Phil turned to look at him and smiled, "Yes mate?"

"Can I go and wake Will and big q up?"

"Oh, Wilbur said he was waking Quackity up. Good point though, where are they? You want to go up and check?"

Tommy nodded and ditched the soggy cornflakes before sprinting up the stairs into the hall.

His hand hovered over the door handle to Wilbur's room, and just before he could open it, techno grabbed him and pulled him back.
"Tommy, I'm warning you now, when Wilbur wants something, he gets it."

Tommy raised an eyebrow, "what are you on about?"

"I'm saying-! If Wilbur wanted someone to fuck- he's going to fuck!" Techno let go of Tommy, assuming he'd go back downstairs.
But he just snorted, and opened the door a crack.

Thankfully, Wilbur still had his trousers on, and so did Quackity, but shirts were out of the question. And will was on top of Quackity.

On the bed.

Techno slapped his hand over tommys mouth and closed the door himself. "See what I mean now!?"

He dragged Tommy downstairs to Phil, who was confused over tommys disgusted expression, and the lack of his third son.

"Where is he?" He questioned.

"Relieving some tension, apparently." Techno blade snorted as Tommy gagged; "EWW IM GOING TO BE SICK!"

Tallulah sat in the dark. The blinds were down because her abducter had people over. She could hear who it was, and it sounded like someone she'd met once before. It was a masculine voice, A snarky one.

It had the same deep tone in it as her father's, but it wasn't him, it wasn't the same.

She crawled into the corner of the room as the door handle rattled, and slowly opened. A boy with ginger hair stood in the doorway. He had a tail, so he must've been a hybrid, like Q.

The figure looked tallulah up and down, and Sapnap stood behind.

"So, your his daughter?" He scoffed. Tallulah nodded and bit her lip. Sapnap eyed her evilly, and she rose to her feet.

She'd grown quite a lot, and her speech was flawless.

Both men walked in, and the blinds were lifted. "Tallulah," Sapnap began,

"This is fundy. Your brother."

Tallulah stood confused, she didn't have a brother? Fundy looked at her, his eyes full of rage.

"I don't.. have a brother?"

"Yes you do. Your father had him a long time ago, and then he left. He left fundy on his own, around your age. And he'd do the same to you, darling." Sapnap growled.

"No! My dada is going to come get me." Her eyes filled with tears, and she shouted.
"He's coming back for me!! He is!!!"

Sapnap chuckled and turned to fundy.

"So, I'll Send the letter, and if he hasn't killed himself yet, he'll come here, then we can kill him, in front of her."

Fundy smiled and nodded, "I want to be the one to kill him."

"Sure, whatever."

tallulah wailed.


yal I am SO sorry for what I'm about to do.


But also not.

SOZ 😜🤭

ok but seriously next chapter and the chapter after you might want some tissues.


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