Chapter 1.

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One week left of summer, and tomorrow I'm going to camp in Oslo with my freetime club.

"Scarlet, we're leaving at 9:30 to the port tomorrow, have you packed yet?" -Eddie

"I'm packing right now" -Scarlet

"Aren't you going to be there way too early, you have to be at the port in Copenhagen at 10:30" -Mom

"There might be traffic" -Dad

"You told him to leave that early?" -Mom

"Of course I did, we live in Hillerod and he's driving her to Copehagen. That's two very busy cities in the summers" -Dad

"We're not even going to the port in Copenhagen" -Scarlet

"Then what port are you going to?" -Mom

"Well we are going to Copenhagen port, but we meet at the leisure club first and then they drive us there" -Scarlet

"When do you then have to be there then?" -Eddie

"9:30 or, well, that's when we leave" -Scarlet

I went back to packing, there wasn't much left, just my sleeping bag. We had moved to Denmark about a year ago. Both me, my brother and mom knew danish but my dad was american and still hadn't learned it yet. My mom was from Denmark and had asked my dad to move back to her country and my dad agreed, since my brother and I had always been taught both languages anyway, just in case we would come to Denmark.


8:00 and the whole family was up, my parents had to leave a bit later than us for work. It was a busy morning for us Hewitts, my brother kept on finding more stuff that I had forgotten to put on the list of stuff I needed.

"Really Eddie, your sister doesn't need a piano for camp" -Mom

"I might have to agree with your mother on this one" -Dad

"What about her music, you know Scarlet loves to play unusual places" -Eddie

"I already packed the foldable piano, the smallest one of them" -Scarlet

"Scarlet, You do not need a piano!" -Mom

"Yes I do, the adults said that it would be cool if one of the nights we played some music, they also said that some of the others would play on their guitar" -Scarlet

"Ohh, good argument. One point to Scarlet" -Dad

"Fine, but that's the only instrument, there has to be space for it on the ship" -Mom

"There is" -Scarlet

"In the little room you're going to sleep in?" -Mom

"One point to mom" -Dad

"Dad, stop bringing soccer into this. And we don't have to take it up to our room, what we don't need stays in the bus" -Scarlet

"The score says 2-1 to Scarlet" -Dad

"Seriously dad, stop it." -Eddie

"Eddie look!" -Scarlet

"It's already 8:45!" -Eddie

"Goodbye kids" -Dad

"Yes, goodbye kids, and hurry" -Mom

"Bye mom, bye dad" -Scarlet

"No time for hugs, bye!" -Eddie


We got to the leisure club at 9:15 and Eddie began taking my stuff out of his car, I got out to help him. I had tried to only pack the essentials so it wouldn't be heavy but a foldable piano wasn't exactly light. Eddie and I put my stuff into the bus when I was tapped on the shoulder, I turned around to see that it was Freya. She was going to, but she didn't bring any instruments, she liked rapping and singing though.

"Hay girl, ready for a week in Norway without parents" -Freya

"Yees, oh my god I've waited the whole summer for this trip" -Scarlet

"And to top it off, we're taking a cruise ship over there" -Freya

"I know, it's amazing" -Scarlet

The trip was formed mostly for the bilingo kids, but there were many danes too, f.x Freya.

"Wait, did you remember your piano?" -Freya

"Of course I did, but it's not the big one, obviously" -Scarlet

"But for some songs you need almost all 88 keys" -Freya

"Don't worry it has all the keys, it just folds" -Scarlet

"Okay everybody, say bye to your family and get on the bus!" -Ms. Madden

Words: 683

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