2.2 Serious Trouble

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-At school on campus-

"Gotta go somewhere, smell you later Eason," Mary said with a blush as she walked away.

"Yeah, while I Felipe the notorious prankster of Magnolia High have some work to do,"

Fellipe announced loudly as people started to walk briskly in order to escape the prankster's hobby.

"Don't you mean pranking?" I asked.

"Well duh dumbass what else would my job be?" He said before running away knowing I would punch him in the face if he had waited second longer.

"That damn bastard," I said under my breath.

I noticed that us I was standing, the girls would often steal glances at me then they would blush when I look at them.

Guys on the other hand looked at me with some sort of contempt.

I found all these are because well this is my second day.

I decided not to pay much attention to it then live my life normally.

"Hello Eason, Cana said happily as she hugged me from behind.

This action made some guys angry and some girls envious.

"How are you today?" I asked her with a smile as she stood in front of me.

"Great Eason, thanks for asking," She said happily coming close to me.

I laughed nervously as she then moved to my side clinging onto my arm.

"Why do girls do that? Don't they know I can feel the softness of boobs?" I said mentally as Cana of looked at me with a smile.

I then saw a red haired girl start to walk towards me after fast pace.

When I saw her, I remembered that it was a red haired girl that chased me yesterday.

I froze in terror but started to relax when I saw her that with each step her rocking tits kept bouncing.

Yeah it was like I was being hypnotized due to the up and down movement of her breasts.

She walked up to me as Cana looked at her with confusion. I was also looking at her. . . yes I was.

I kept my eyes glued at her boobs which didn't go unnoticed by her. "So, looks like he loves breasts, quite the interesting fellow," She thought.

"Wait, isn't she an upper classman, anyway what's she doing here?" Cana questioned herself mentally.

The red haired senior looked at me with so much lust but one could tell from one look that you wanted to fuck the shit out of me her.

She wore the school uniform but with a black jumper and high knee boots.

"Why hello handsome," she said addressing me with a lustful smile.

I then got pulled back to reality by her voice.

"Oh yeah, hi beautiful," I said without thinking.

"Beautiful," Cana thought as she took a step back.

"Fuck did I just say that?" I cursed mentally.

"Oh you're not just handsome you're quite the charmer too," She said lustfully.

Her voice was sweet but a little on the mature side.

"Uhh... thanks," I said with a blush, not noticing Cana walked a few steps away from me, still trying to put her finger or what currently happened.

she held my collar before pulling me close to her and crashing her lips in to mine.....

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