chapter nine - CDC

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author's note:
my apologies for rushing through half of this. i just find this episode kind of boring because there's not a lot i can change without drastically affecting the entire storyline after. BUT there will be various tweaks to the CDC events. some big, some small. some just because i simply feel like it and i'm at liberty to write it. i've addressed this before but i wanted to clear up any confusion beforehand

UPDATE: I should've put this in the original update but this is a trigger warning for attempted assa*lt. basically, it follows some of the storyline of the CDC episode where Shane is an absolute disgusting dick. this is towards the end of the chapter.

The only condition upon being let into the CDC was that we all submit to blood tests

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The only condition upon being let into the CDC was that we all submit to blood tests.

It was a fair compromise, more than fair, and we wasted no time in snatching the opportunity.

"Wait, I recognize you," said Glenn after we had all gathered into a room where the doctor began drawing our blood one by one.

I whipped around to try to read his expression, as if that would tell me where he's seen this odd man. But as soon as I catch a glimpse at Glenn, I'm reminded of the last day of normalcy two months ago.

"Yeah, you were on tv," I added. "You were the one who said you guys were working on a cure."

Doctor Edwin Jenner sighed and motioned over for me to down.

It's my turn. I sat down nervously and tried not to look down as he prepared the needle.

"My brief moment of fame," he tried to joke. It didn't land.

I stared at him blankly. Was he not going to elaborate? Tell us about this vaccine?

The needle pinched my arm and I gulped nervously, staring at the ceiling and waiting for the seconds to tick by.

I switched off with Andrea and we briefly made eye contact. I could see in her eyes that she was as put off by this whole thing as I was.

I sat down next to Glenn and decided my questions could wait until later.

I sat down next to Glenn and decided my questions could wait until later

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