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So far it's been about 4 months since Izuku left as he is training to hone himself as right now he is training with his uncle who taught him everything since the age of 8. Right now they both are going at it as it keeps getting intensified as everyone who was watching it couldn't keep it as Yumeko actually enjoyed it. Soon a maid came to both the Queen and King who was also watching.

Maid: your highnesses the guest that was reported to be coming here in a few weeks are set.

Hisashi: very well have their rooms ready.

Yuri: Set!!!!

As Hisashi looks back he see that Zoro and Izuku are at a draw as both swords are at each others necks. Soon after a minute they both sheath their swords as they smiled.

Zoro:you've grown stronger Nephew I'm proud.

Izuku: well one day or another I had to train to keep up.

Zoro: one day we are gonna battle to see if you can become the best swordsman.

Izuku: I'll be waiting for that day uncle.

As they both fist bump as they went their separate ways as they gotten themselves together as Izuku maid Yuri came to him about came around.

Yuri: Lord Izuku the King and Queen was told that your past is coming in a few weeks.

Izuku:*drying his hair* very well when they come have Sebas and the rest of you know to watch out for those you do not trust and also........

After he told her on who to look out for and those he considers friends as Yuri bows.

Yuri: yes Lord Izuku your message will be passed around for the rest of us to heed.

Izuku: very well also where is Eri??

Yuri: she's with Naberal as we speak.

Izuku: oh really good(also I don't mind Eri having Naberal attitude it makes my life more easygoing no boyfriend no anything just pure domination)

Yuri: Lord Izuku I hope your not thinking of your daughter domination with the help of Naberal are you?

Izuku: yes I am I don't want her to have a boyfriend at all I rather have her have a world domination then getting hurt by some snot nose brat.

Yuri:(I don't know how I should feel by that but I must say Lord Izuku does have the love of a father I commend him for that)

Soon Yumeko came in as as dismissed Yuri as she bowed and left as Izuku turned around and saw her.

Soon Yumeko came in as as dismissed Yuri  as she bowed and left as Izuku turned around and saw her

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