Chapter 1: Everything or Nothing

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Hi! Author Lelia here, I just wanted to give a quick thanks for choosing my book and a little run down on it. This book will be about Aphmau's series My Inner Demon, more specifically, if it had a season 2. (And yes there will be different endings for each Daemon) This book will have a similar feel to MCD and when Angels Fall- so I hope you guys will like it!
Anyhow- thank you again for choosing my book! And I hope you enjoy!

Asch's POV

I yell in frustration as I paced back and forth- trying to clear my head. The others simply staring at me with concern- too scared to speak up. 

Ava's here.. She's in Daemos... The situation was nothing short of cruel. Not only is she a human in a world where they're seen as prey, but that scar faced guardian knows she's here. Frankly, he might even know where she is. And we let him get away..

I yell out once more, "They're going to kill her!" I continue to pace, my feet quickening as I ruffle my hair. Uttering the same five words under my breath. 

I could feel the concern radiating from the boys. Not only for me but for her. No one admitted it before, but no one would deny it now- we all loved her. We all loved Princess Ava. And we still do. I know we have our own separate reasons, and sure, at first it was just so we'd have a chance to be the King of Earth. But now... now, that wasn't the case. As that narrative continued to play on, we started to fall deeper and deeper. Falling this point of insanity.

"Prince Asch, you need to calm down-" 

"Calm down?" I retort, cutting Rhys' comment short. "She's here in Daemos! If the royal guards find her..." 

Letting my silence speak for itself, the boys averted their eyes. The look of longing and despair in each and every single one of them. They're worried. We're all worried. 

"T-They won't kill her" I hear Noi utter under his breath. 

The normally beaming knight who's always outgoing and charismatic was not here in that  moment- rather, it was a fragile little boy who looked exactly like him. So fragile, that a single touch could probably break him in two. "Noi- she's a human.." I say with a sadden sigh.

I could feel my eyes beginning to sting at the thought of her leaving us. How lonely of a death that would be. And all because she ran into five boys from a different world. How cruel fate truly is. 

"But... that's exactly why they won't kill her- b-because she's human" Noi said with a shaky voice as he fidgeted with his fingers. 

My gaze, along with the others, lock onto Noi. "He actually said something smart-" Leif uttered. Noi just yelled at him in retaliation. I take a moment to watch the two bicker- just like old times- while letting myself process his words. 

But that's exactly why they won't kill her, because she's human

I understood what he was trying to say, as twisted as it was. He wasn't wrong. The last time we were here, we had killed the last human on Daemos to get to Earth. The magic crisis has undoubtedly worsened over the months we've been gone. Which means, she'd be the perfect solution. A new human, full of energy mana, enough to last another decade.  

Although the fact didn't sit well with me, I felt the corner of my mouth perk up slightly into a half hearted smile. They won't kill her.. they can't. I cough out a small laugh as I wipe my tears, "Thanks Noi, for knocking some sense into me" I say as I place my hand on his head, patting it gently.

I feel the boys' eyes land on me. It's not everyday that I compliment or thank someone. Nevertheless Noi, our lowest ranking knight. I watch as a sparkle temporarily graced his eyes. 

"We'll get her back" I hear Pierce reassure me as he puts his hand on my shoulder. "I swear on my life we will" He adds, placing his other hand on Noi's shoulder. 

"Yeah! I'll kill anyone who hurts her" Leif cheers. 

I huff out another laugh before turning around and looking at Rhys. "Do you still have it?" He nods. 

I watch as his staff appears out of thin air, landing snug in his hand. He holds it tightly as he whispers a spell under his breath- we all watch as a spiral of mist forms in front of us- slowly forming itself into a map of the Daemos Astral Plane. 

I see each of our markers slowly appear. Looks like we're on the outskirts of the city capital- my home, Minshe City. "We're not too far away from the palace-" 

"You've had trackers on us this entire time?" I hear Leif exclaim, cutting me off. 

"It was more of an in case you decide to betray me" I sigh, waving off Leif's bickering as I continued to look for Ava's marker. My eyes widening once I see it, "She's at the palace-"

"Of course you had one on Ava-"

"She's at the palace?!" Noi exclaims, this time cutting Leif off. 

A look of fear crosses us. We didn't say anything to each other, but we were all thinking it. If my brother, Rhal or Lady Bish finds her first- she might not be spared. 

"Stop it" I hear Pierce's voice say, cutting through our deafening tension. "It doesn't matter where she is, we're going to save her" 

"You're right- I can't lose her " I chirp in, looking up at the night sky. "It'll be a two day journey to the palace. If we go off now, we might just be able to get her out" 

I could tell my words lacked the malice and energy they once would hold. They seemed like nothing but an empty shell. Hollow words with broken truths behind it. Even if we get her out of the palace, would we really be able to prevent any future harm from her? And what then?- We don't have enough magic to get her back to Earth...

"Prince Asch" I hear Rhys call out as he grabs me by my hair, forcing me to look at him- eye to eye. "We need you right now. So snap out of it" He says as he clashes his head against my own before letting me go.

I rub my forehead slowly as I take a moment to stare at him blankly- my mind processing what had just happened and my anger beginning to bubble up slowly, "Why the hell did you do that?!" I yell, "You could've just told me that you little!-" 

I grab him by his shirt, raising him up slightly as I wind my arm back. I watch as a little smile makes its way to his lips. "Welcome back your highness" He says as he closes his eyes and tilts his head, offering me a gentle smile. 

I stare at him stunned. My grip on his shirt softening until he drops back on his feet. 

"I know it wasn't the most civil way to do it, but I could tell you weren't fully here with us. Please forgive me your-" 

I bow my head, "Seems like I can't do anything but thank you guys" I huff, as I look between them. "I'm sorry for taking my time, but I'm here now.. We will be getting her back, and that's an order"

I watch as they all look at me with a giant smile. That's right Asch, no more sulking. It'll only waste time, time that I don't have right now. Every second that passes with me here, is another second of what could be her suffering. 

I raise my head up, proud and determined. I will get her back.

Even if it costs me everything.

End of Chapter 1: Everything or Nothing

I hope you liked the first chapter of the rewrite! I'd love to hear your thoughts and your predictions on what I have planned. Who knows it might actually end up in a future chapter-

Anyways, thank you once again for picking my book.
Hope you'll enjoy the ride :>

Words Written: 1390
Date Original Published: 5/6/24
Date Rewrite Published: 4/4/24

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