After the battle, MASTE-

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I'm so sorry about that name I had to 😭 also those weird bubbles are just what I think 🤭

*lucifer pov*
It was only 2 days after the battle, but he couldn't take his eyes off a certain demon...

*alastor pov*
I could swear that Lucifer was looking at me. I turned to face him and he immediately lit up like a lightbulb because of how much he blushed. 'I could use this...' I said in my mind

*lucifer pov*

*alastor pov*
I wonder what he's thinking... I walked up to him "what do you think you're looking at?"

*lucifer POV*
"Uhm y-you?" He knows 100%

*alastor POV*
"Hm." Interesting... "follow
Me for a second." He didn't wait for Lucifer to say anything and started pulling him to alastors room. (Don't take this wrong they just wanna talk... for now 😃)

*lucifer POV*
"Where are you taking me-" he saw where they were going and stopped talking. Alastor pushed him inside and closed the door. (It's 3AM why am I writing this again? Oh right)

*alastor POV*
I pinned him against a wall and he started blushing again. He didn't even try to hide it? Disgusting. "So... mind to explain why you were looking at me like that..?" (Dis pretty gay rn)

*lucifer POV*
'OMGOMGOMG' I was panicking... I couldn't find the words... he's just so... *hot*... I tried to resist but... I couldn't.

*alastor POV (I'm so sorry)*
He... kissed me?! I quickly pulled away "what the fuck was that?!" I kinda liked it....... (DAM)

*lucifer POV*
Shit shit shit shit I didn't mean to do that "um- I- uh-" (blud stop stuttering)

*alastor POV*
I... blushed? Do I like him back? I just need time to think I don't. I walked out of the room and started walking to cannible town to hopefully clear my head and talk to Rosie.

*lucifer POV*
He just walked out on me?!?! "Hey wait come back!!!"

Alastair (ik I spelled it wrong) is at cannible town now hehe

*Alastor POV*
I got to cannible town and went into Rosie's shop.

*rosie POV*
Is that who I think it is?? "Alastor? It's such a nice surprise to see you here! How are you?" "I'm great Rosie. How are you doing?" "Same!" I laughed

*alastor POV*
We hugged (NO Rosie X alastor ships I will kill you) "I have something to ask you" "what would that be?" "I feel really weird around this one demon... he likes me and he makes me flustered somehow and he gives me a weird feeling..." "sounds like your in love" "I'm not in love" (you sure bout that buddy? No im his creator ;>)
Sorry this was so short I'm dead inside and it's 3:30 AM and I'm tired 😭
Words: 469

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