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* hello- I know like nobody reads these but thanks to anyone who does. I just wanted to highlight that I will not have ANY scenes between couples such as Beth and Viv that are in any way romantic. Also no real players will have any issues and everything will only happen between Gracie and the other fake characters. Also just to be clear I will not have any unconfirmed couples in the story, Alessia and Kyra and Victoria and Laura are not dating and of anything are literally just players that are housemates (in this story because I don't think any of them share a house) because a lot do players share a house to cut down on rent prices and ease of carpooling and stuff. I think it's really gross to speculate into real peoples lives and sexualise them and fanaticise about them having mh issues and stuff.
Hope it's not too boring-
Viv 🩷*

My cast had come off and I've got a boot instead which was way nicer. It was sore but at least I can walk around and do things for myself. I had been spending the last few days packing up my stuff. I only had another four days with Viv and Beth before I was going to move into Alessia and Kyra's apartment. I went to see it with Beth a few days back and I was surprised as to how big it was. It had three bedrooms, two reasonably sized rooms and then a bigger one that could fit another bed. There was a small enough kitchen but the living room was quite spacious, leaving enough room for us to play twister- according to Kyra.
Vic and Laura had offered me a room in there house as well but it was easier to get to training from Alessia and Kyra's place.

Today we were going to London since I hadn't been into the centre ever. Beth had chosen the tourist places she was going to drag us to and Viv chose where we'd go for lunch afterwards. I put on my little Nike backpack with all of my bits and bobs and went to the sitting room to wait for them. Bea had gone back to Rome two days ago after she'd made sure I was ok with my my boot. I missed her but I know she needed to go home and deal with her shitty boss who wouldn't let her take more than a week off a year.
Beth said that we were going to drive to the train and then take it into the city. I nodded and got into the car. I enjoyed car journeys. Everything feels calm even if we're stuck in awful traffic and the driver is getting stressed out. Which was what was happening now. Viv rolled her eyes and crumpled up her face in annoyance because the truck in front of us couldn't decide what way he was going.
Finally we made it to the train station. I still had my crutches but I could take my backpack because I had much better balance. I had noticed over the past little while that my English was coming to me way quicker. I didn't have to think about it as much.
We got on the train- which to my surprise cost nearly as much as a plane ticket. I took a photo of my boot propped up on the train seat and sent it to B followed by a text- proof I've left the house x
She'd been nagging me about getting out more the entire time she'd been here.

We had to get off the train and onto the underground and than on another underground and then we arrived. I crutched up the stairs and was met with the bustling streets. I could see the London eye in the distance and Big Ben.
"Wow" I said slightly awestruck.

"Beth's wanting to go on the London eye, is that ok?" Viv said her arms around Beth's shoulders.

"Oi for the record it was Vivianne over here who wanted to go on it!" Beth said wriggling away from Viv's hug.

Viv laughed, "C'mon then."

We walked slowly to the London eye- which was far bigger than I'd expected- and waited in the queue.
Viv had booked tickets a few days before and we got into our glass pod without any hassle. I took a seat since my hands were tired from the crutches. The pod filled up very quickly, the door closed and we were slowly making our way up. Beth came over and pointed everything out to me. Viv called her a tour guide which caused me to laugh picturing Beth Mead wearing a neon jacket and a megaphone and driving around London with a red bus.
When we finally got down my legs felt like jelly. We walked to Buckingham palace since Viv was desperate to show me the guards because I'd been talking about them a while back. They were really cool. They had such poker faces.
I kept taking photos everywhere we went. Beth got recognised twice but they fans were very respectful- much to my surprise, and didn't take any photos and instead just waved at her. Beth waved back but continued on walking as not to draw more attention to us. We walked to a restaurant called Bon Gusto and sat down. The painkillers didn't make me very hungry, I was always nauseous. But I ordered the plainest pasta they had. I was very tempted to get a kids portion but decided that would be weird. Once everyone had ordered we started chatting.

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