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*tw: vomiting (not in detail), blood, fainting, burns, weighing, weight (number isn't disclosed but you get an idea), su!cide mentioned*

Leah walked into the room.
"Hi Molly" she says. Molly nods in greeting.
"Um the doctor and medic were wondering if I could grab Gracie...if that's ok...sorry to interrupt."

I think everyone thinks Leah is some overly confident person and although she is confident on the pitch and with the team and eases everyone's concerns, she can be just as awkward as anyone else. She's still human.

"No problem at all, we're done here. Thanks Gracie, I'll see you again tomorrow at 2?"

I nod and stand up with my crutch and follow Leah out of the room. As I leave I roll my eyes at the stupid psychiatrist.

"You ok?" Leah asks as we walk down the corridor.

"Yeah" I reply dryly back. I am so tired of everyone asking if I'm ok it's just annoying now.

She pushes open the door to the medical room where the doctor and another medic, Lydia and Rose were talking.
"Hey Gracie!" Rose excitedly puts her arm around me.

"Hi" I mumble moodily. I don't want to be here at all it feels like a never ending doctor's appointment.

"Thanks Leah," the doctor says and Leah gives a half smile at him, looks at me and nods before turning away and leaving us.

"Ok we have a few things to get sorted then" the doctor says as he pats the bed behind him. I sit up on it and let Lydia push me back so I'm lying down and she unfastens my boot and takes it off.

"First things first, the ankle" rose says as she walks over to the physio bed im now lying across.
"I think it's been healing very well and from what I've seen I think it is good if we take off the boot permanently and instead have supportive material on it for the next two weeks or so. I think then we'll reevaluate but if that goes well then we can take away all crutches and start taping it and then in about three weeks from now you potentially can return to light training with the team."

I nod my head. I don't really care anymore. Whatever happens. I don't even know if I want to go back to training. Not that I was in it for very long.
Rose and Lydia nod their heads before Lydia takes out the support and puts it on my foot.
"Does that feel okay?"

"Yeah" I mutter back.

"Ok good, now that that is covered I will let Rose and Lydia go if that's ok with you, Gracie"

"Yeah thanks"

The pair of them disappear off around the corner and I hear their footsteps echoing down the corridor.

"Ok I'm sure Molly has talked about the testing we want to have done" the doctor says turning his attention back to me.
I nod.

"Ok so we have agreed that every second week you will have your blood drawn, and we would like if we can keep an eye on your weight so if every morning you could come in here and Simon will weigh you and take your blood pressure and heart beat. Is that alright with you?"

"Mhm" I say back.



The medic- Simon- and the doctor write a few things down on their clipboards and type things into the computer.

"We were also made aware of the issues you have involving menstruation and how it's been affecting you. We have our suspicions that you have endometriosis but we can't diagnose that, so we have made an appointment with a specialist who can see you tomorrow if that's ok with you?"

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