To talk or not to talk

413 13 3

*tw: periods, blood, vomiting mentioned, suicidal thought and SH*

I can't say I walked into the appointment calmly because I didn't.
I step into the medic room where a woman with very light blonde hair and green eyes is sat in jeans and a jumper. She has a computer out and a bunch of sheets in front of her.

"Hi" I say quietly as I awkwardly step into the room.

"Hi, Gracie Thedorise, right?" She folded her hands over one another. She looked about 30 ish.
I nodded my head. I sat down on the seat in front for her table opposite her.

"Ok so I understand you've been referred to me because of suspicions of endometriosis, correct?"

"Yeah" I say. I'm getting all awkward again.

"Ok so today we're just gonna talk over your history, all of your symptoms, how you are feeling and then we'll meet at my clinic for a proper scan and exam, ok?" She spoke gently but clearly. I nod my head. I don't really care anymore.
"So I've read through you file and I've read through your medical records as well, and you're 19 year olds, right?"


"And how long have you had these sort of symptoms?"

"It started when I was 14, I got really bad periods and I'd get sick, pass out and just be really unwell every time it happened. It got really bad when I was 17, I got a concussion and it just made everything ten times worse. I end up on the bathroom floor a lot and I'm unable to move."

"Ok so do you want to talk me through all of your symptoms, even if you don't think it's a symptom just mention it because you'd be surprised."

"Erm I get really bad periods-"

"How so?"

"Um I bleed quite heavily, it goes on for days sometimes more than two weeks, I have awful cramps all the time, even when I'm not on it, and I get awful pain in my pelvis and all of my stomach hurts, I get terrible headaches, I get quite bloated, I get really nauseous, I throw up and I pass out"

"Ok and are the symptoms bad enough that they've affected your daily life?"


She noted a lot of things down on the computer.
"Ok and have you ever been on birth control?"


"Ok. Have you noticed anything that make these symptoms better or worse?"

"Um hot water bottles and tea seem to help a bit and hot showers. Cold water, running around and food make it worse"

She pulled out sheets where diagrams were printed on.
"So endometriosis is a disease in which tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus. It can cause severe pain in the pelvis and make it harder to get pregnant. Symptoms of endometriosis often include severe pelvic pain, especially during menstrual periods, pain during sex or when using the bathroom, trouble getting pregnant, chronic pelvic pain, heavy bleeding during or between periods, bloating or nausea, fatigue, and depression or anxiety. Some individuals may not have any symptoms at all. Symptoms can vary widely among individuals with endometriosis. The cause of endometriosis is unknown, there is no known way to prevent it, and while there is no cure, its symptoms can be treated with medicines or surgery."

I nod my head. I knew all of this already because I had spent hours googling it.

"You seem to have a lot of history with these symptoms so I will book you into a scan, ultrasound and potentially a mri and we can also do a pelvic exam, if that's alright?" I nod again.

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