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━───────⊹⊱✙⊰⊹───────━(Evelyn's POV)"Oh, babe, I'm so sorry

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(Evelyn's POV)

"Oh, babe, I'm so sorry."

Kashvi cooed in my ear as she wrapped her arms around my slumped frame. I was sat on my bed wearing my most comfortable pajamas, and a pint of cookie-dough ice cream sat upright aside from me, the spoon sliding down as the outside began melting. Kashvi was the only person I could truly depend on in a time of need, so when I told her about what happened with Micah, she immediately rushed to my aid. When I called her, she hung up and was at my door in minutes. That part was still a mystery to me. 

I tucked my hair behind my ear and wiped my nose with the back of my hand. "I just don't know what I did wrong," I spoke between sniffles. 

"You didn't do anything wrong, peach, you're perfect!" She chided, holding my cheeks in her palms, and I felt her cold metal rings against my heated skin. 

"You want to take the day off tomorrow? I'll make sure to blacklist him from the premises." She continued, her expression changing from sympathetic to serious. I let out a breathy laugh and shook my head. I preferred working, anyway, and it would get my mind off of things. 

I inhaled and hugged my pillow to my chest, looking at her. "No, It's fine. I know you'll beat him up if he shows up, anyway." 

"That's right, baby," She kissed my forehead and stood up off of the bed, "Look, I have to go, but I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" 

I nodded at her and she blew me a kiss one last time before making her way through the door. Once she left, I exhaled and laid back on the bed, ignoring the feeling of the cold melted ice cream dripping onto my leg as the tub spilled over. My eyelids grew heavy and I felt myself drift to sleep, but my moment of peace was cut short by the loud buzzing of my phone. I groaned and picked it up, switching it on, wincing at the bright screen lightening my eyes. 

Once my eyes began focusing, I looked at the message on the screen. 


I narrowed my eyes at the mysterious message from the unknown number, and I began typing back. 

'Hello? Who is this?' 

The phone buzzed again after a few seconds.

'It doesn't matter who I am. How are you holding up?' 

My eyes only narrowed more, and I bit the inside of my cheek. 

'Is this Micah? Why are you texting me? Leave me alone!' My stomach twisted in anticipation as I awaited their answer.

'Micah will be gone for a long, long time. Sweet dreams, little rabbit' 

My eyes widened and I threw my phone across my bed, hugging my pillow tighter. If this was a prank, it wasn't funny in the slightest, but who would play that type of prank? The only person who knew about the situation with Micah was Kashvi, and she wouldn't play a prank on me in a time like this. I assumed it was one of the other people at work, and that word accidentally got around, so I dismissed it as a joke. A few of my co-workers were known for playing pranks, switching around orders, harmless jokes like that. Still, I considered it quite... strange. 

I sat up and reached around to the bedside table for the remote, and switched the TV on, hoping for another distraction. I switched around channels. Movies, cartoons, news, sports, reality shows, everything one could dream of from a small cable TV. I decided on the news, and I shifted as I watched the woman in the dark blue dress begin presenting the news. 

"Beloved Beckinsdale resident Micah Hansley has been reported missing after being seen at the local restaurant 'The Parisian Eatery' on March 25th, 7:13 PM. There are currently two suspects under investigation, one Evelyn Whitewell, and the other suspect's identity has yet to be identified. If you have any knowledge of Micah's whereabouts, please contact the local authorities or visit the website-" 

"Pfft, beloved?" I scoffed, before freezing up. "Wait, suspect!?" 

I turned the TV off when I heard banging at my door.

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