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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

STEPPING FOOT INSIDE THE GILBERT HOME, VICTORIA IMMEDIATELY KNEW SOMETHING WAS WRONG. Exchanging a suspicious look with her twin sister, Elena, she shuffled her way further into her home in constant alert.

"Oh my G—!" Victoria gasped in horror the second she entered the kitchen. In front of her laid her biological father, John, whose life was leaving his face through each second as he held his right hand, covered in blood on his wound. While his left hand had all his fingers cut off.

"John!" Elena gasped in pure shock as she ran towards him, reaching for a towel as she placed it above his wound to prevent blood loss, looking up at Victoria, who noticed a knife, covered in blood, presumably the attackers.

"Vic, what do we do?!" Elena asked in distress, "We need to call someone!"

In understandment , Victoria nodded her head as she reached for the Gilbert phone, handing it to her sister who remained next to John. "Call the ambulance. I'll check the house."

Without a second thought, Victoria grabbed the large knife from the counter, for self defence, which was still covered in John's blood, as she made her way throughout the house to find the attacker. "Come out motherfu-"

Before she hand the chance to finish her sentence, a figure behind her sped out of the home in inhumane speed, the type of speed she knew too well of by now, shutting the door viscously. In seconds, Victoria was immediately reminded of her brother, Jeremy, as she bolted up the stairs in pure fright towards his bedroom.

"Jeremy!" Victoria yelled to her brother as her eyes landed on the teenage boy who remained unconscious on his bed. She immediately began shaking him in full force, full of desperation. "Damn it, Jer! Wake the hell up!" the Gilbert girl begged as a large gasp suddenly left his mouth, sitting up.

"When did you come here?! Someone broke inside, attacked John, why the hell were you-" Victoria trailed off as her attention immediately caught an empty bottle of pills on his bedside table, which said 'Elena Gilbert'

"What the hell is that Jer?" Victoria questioned her brother in concern as he shook his head, "Nothing, it's nothing."

"What the hell do you mean 'it's nothing'! Did you take those?! That's why you were unconscious!" Victoria snapped at her brother as he stayed silent in response. "Answer me!"

"Yes. But it's fine. Anna gave me some blood and-" Jeremy answered his sister in defeat, watching her facial expression turn unexplainable. "I had to do this." he answered, one last time as a defeated sigh left his mouth.

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