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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

EVER SINCE THE FOUNDERS DAY DAMON CONTINUOUSLY SPOKE ABOUT HIS THEORY REGARDING THE LOCKWOODS BEING SUPERNATURAL. In hope of finding out more about the Lockwood family, the group decided the best way to finally shut Damon up about the Lockwoods was by taking him to Duke, where Isobel, Victoria's and Elena's mother studied and kept all her research over the years.

Damon and Alaric were sat in the two front seats of the car while the Gilbert twins sat at the back. Stefan decided the best way to help Caroline adapt to being a vampire was by teaching her self control, which the twins were extremely thankful for. Although spending the day with Damon was the last thing Victoria wanted, she reluctantly agreed to help keep Elena company other than the fact she was just as curious regarding her connection to Katherine, a 500 year old vampire.

"How you guys doin back there?" Damon asked with a smirk on his face as he looked at Victoria through the small rearview mirror. However he was met with silence as Victoria scoffed at the vampires stupidity, deciding to look out the window. "You know, this whole thing of pretending to hate me is getting boring."

"I don't think she's pretending to hate you." Alaric interrupted the vampire as an irritated scoff left his lips, "You literally tried to kill her bestfriend."

"But i didn't!"

"—Yeah, because i stopped you." Victoria snapped, causing Damon to turn around.

"Her mother is a vampire hunter. I was being realistic, she's not cut out to be a vampire."

As the sentence left the Salvatore's lips, the pair glared at eachother, clearly irritated, as Alaric pulled up to Duke University. "Is this the place?" Victoria asked, changing the topic as she looked away from Damon.

"The very place, yeah." Alaric answered as he led the group towards the entrance of the university, Damon constantly trying to stay besides Victoria as she ignored him. "Isobel was officially employed by the Anthropology Department given that most paranormal phenomena is rooted in folklore." He walked over to a woman. "Excuse me. Hi, I'm Alaric Saltzman. I called earlier."

"Yes!" She answered, moving towards him as she shook his hand to greet him. "Of course. I'm Vanessa Monroe, research assistant. Comparative folklore. Let me just grab Isobel's keys."

"I'm sorry. These are my friends, Damon, Victoria and Elena. I hope this isn't an imposition."

"Oh, please, Isobel's office is right through there. Isobel was one of my first professors. I'm a grad student. She was brilliant and one of the reasons I went into folklore." She trailed off, grabbing the keys to Isobel's office which haven't been used in what felt like years. Before clearing her throat awkwardly. "I have to ask, um— has there been any news?"

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