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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

EVER SINCE DAMON FED CAROLINE HIS BLOOD VICTORIA WAS TOLD THAT SHE'S BACK TO NORMAL. However, the hospital still wanted to keep Caroline for the day for some last check ups. Therefore, Victoria, Bonnie and Elena all made their blonde bestfriend a promise to keep the school carnival running for her.

"I can't believe we somehow managed to organise this." Victoria giggled as she spoke to her two bestfriends, in shock that they somehow all managed to organise the carnival without any mistakes.

"How does Caroline even manage to do this all the time?" Bonnie added on as she laughed.

Elena smiled thinking about Caroline as she looked at the carnival before turning back to her bestfriends, "Because she's not human."

As Bonnie turned to Victoria, whose clipboard still remained in her hand, she realised her and Damon had suddenly become much more distant. "What's up with you and Damon?"


Bonnie looked at Victoria unamused, clearly not believing her clueless act for a split second. "You know what I'm talking about."

"Nothing is going on—!" Victoria answered defensively as she raised her hands in the air before spotting Caroline walking towards them, thankful the topic of her and Damon could be forgotten about.

"Hey guys! I got let out early!" Caroline said in excitement as she squealed, pulling Victoria into a hug first before suddenly pulling away.

"Care? Are you okay?"

"Yeah! I'm fine. I'm fine." Caroline answered, as if she wasn't just lying to her friends, but also herself.

As Victoria walked closer towards her bestfriend, Caroline quickly moved further away from Victoria, once again trying to ignore the cravings of feeding on her bestfriend which grew stronger by the second. "You know what? I want to play some beer pong. I'll see you guys later." Caroline quickly added on before running away from the girls, leaving the three of them in pure confusion.

Elena raised her eyebrows as she followed Caroline with her eyes. Once she left her vision she turned to the two girls who both stood in front of her dumbfounded, "I thought she was better?—"

"Hey." Stefan interrupted Elena as he ran towards the twins, clearly terrified. "Have you guys seen Caroline?"

"—She just ran off in shock. Why?"

"We need to find her before Damon does." Stefan instructed as he ran deeper into the carnival, the twins following the vampire. "If he gets to her first—"

"Stefan! What the hell is going on?!" Victoria shouted to the Salvatore as she suddenly stopped running.

"—Vic, not now."

"—No, tell me! What the hell is happening with Caroline?" Victoria protested in desperation as she could no longer avoid the topic, hoping whatever she came up with in her head was a huge overreaction.

Stefan gulped as he looked at Victoria, who clearly demanded an answer, the longer he avoided the topic, the faster Damon could kill Caroline, "Katherine turned her."

"What?!" the twins both exclaimed in disbelief and nerves, their faces looked as if they saw a ghost, growing increasingly and undeniably concerned for their bestfriend. "Caroline's a vampire, she doesn't know what going on. Damon thinks she's better off dead since—"

Moments into Stefan explaining the situation to the twins, he noticed Damon and Caroline in the parking lot through the corner of his eyes. Without thinking, he immediately sped straight over to the pair, pulling the stake from his Damon's hand, pushing him away from Caroline as he fell to the floor.

"Stefan!" Damon groaned as he got back on his feet while Victoria and Elena ran straight towards the new, blonde vampire.

"Get away from me! Both of you!" Caroline sobbed out, with the blood of the man she just fed on all over her face as she pushed the twins away from her, turning to Victoria. "You killed me!"

Victoria immediately guessed Katherine impersonated her, cussing her in the back of her head before quickly attempting to explain the situation to her bestfriend. "No, no, Caroline. That wasn't me. That was Katherine."

"No! Then why does she look like you? And why? Why did she do this to me?" Caroline questioned her bestfriend as she frantically paced back and forwards, her cries growing louder and louder.

"She will die. It's only a matter of time" Damon announced, folding his arms.

"—Shut up Damon!" Victoria snapped as she grew impatient with the Salvatore.

"It's not gonna happen tonight." Stefan answered his brother as he quickly took Caroline's hand.

"Oh, yeah it is." Damon said with a smirk on his face, as he picked up the stake and speeding over to Caroline in mere seconds. However, he was stopped by Victoria jumping in front of Caroline, causing the stake to remain in his hand as he stopped himself from harming her.

"She's my best friend, Damon." Victoria told the vampire in front of her as the pairs eyes remained glued onto eachother, tension growing by the second.

"Whatever happens, it's on you." Damon simply answered, placing his hands on Victoria's chest before being pushed away.

A scoff of disbelief left her lips as she walked towards the vampire. "What the hell is wrong with you! Why would you try to kill her?!"

"She already is dead!"

Victoria let out a laugh from disbelief. "So are you! Should I kill you instead?"

"She's not cut out to be a vampire." Damon answered in defeat as he struggled to defend himself, deep down he knew he was in the wrong, and wether he wanted to admit it or not, the last thing he wanted to do was upset the girl stood in front of him.

"I don't care." Victoria protested as she walked further away from the blue eyed vampire, "You know what? Stay away from me Damon, until you're back to being semi decent, i don't need your bullshit."

"Vic, no, Please-" the Salvatore protested as he stumbled across his words, catching up towards Victoria.

"You tried to kill my bestfriend Damon! Just stay away from me. I don't need this right now." Victoria argued back one last time, before walking away leaving Damon defeated and alone, the only thing left heard were the clicks from the Gilbert girls shoes.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

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