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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"OKAY.  YOU SERIOUSLY HAVE TO STOP SNEAKING UP ON ME LIKE THIS." Victoria called out to Damon, who she could see directly through her mirror as she put her beauty blender back into her vanity drawer.

"Me and you, up for seeing if Mason knows where the moonstone is hidden?" Damon asked the doppelgänger as he put his black leather jacket on.

"Do I really have a choice?" Victoria sighed, "Besides, the man literally tried to get you killed yesterday. He definitely knows where it is."

"So, is that a yes?" Damon smirked as he watched Victoria take her leather jacket out of her wardrobe.


─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Damon, Victoria and Bonnie all stormed into the library of the Salvatore home. Damon pulled out a chair, placing it into the middle of the room as he set Mason onto it. Bonnie dropped a large duffle bag down onto the chair besides them as Damon began looking through it.

"Vic, grab that corner, please." Damon pointed to the other end of the large carpet across the room, "I don't want to stain the carpet." as she nodded, an amused laugh left Damon's mouth. "Woah! Looks like this guy is used to being tied up." Damon pulled out the chains causing Victoria to let out a laugh as he tied Mason's wrists together.

Bonnie walked towards Mason, standing directly behind him as she placed her hands above his temple. Closing her eyes, she began to chant a spell.

"Find out if he gave it to Katherine. Find out where she is. And what they're going to do when they get the moonstone." Damon instructed Bonnie as he continued to chain Mason to the chair.

"It's somewhere small." Bonnie's voice echoed in the room as flashes of the stone appeared in her vision, "Dark." She continued. "There's water."

Victoria's eyebrow rose, "Like a sewer?"

"No." Bonnie hesitated for a moment, "Actually, yes. A sewer." Bonnie explained as Mason suddenly woke up, grabbing Bonnie's hand. Realising, Victoria quickly ran towards the two, hitting Mason in the face as he let go of her hand.

"That's it! I gotta go!" Bonnie ran towards her bag, sending a quick smile to thank her bestfriend before leaving the house.

"Come on, wake up wolf boy." Damon teased, kneeling down in front of Mason.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Ooh, someone's feisty," Damon smirked as he watched Mason thrash against the chains that kept him bound to the seat. The Salvatore heated up a poker, kicking Mason's chair over before stabbing the poker into his chest.

𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐘 | DAMON SALVATOREWhere stories live. Discover now