Trigger warning for the next poem and a thank you:

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Hi to whoever is reading this:

Thank you to everyone that has read this far, I hope my poetry isn't too bland or too intense (though let's be honest, it probably is). If you've read this far without stopping, take this opportunity to take a few deep breaths. Drink some water, ate a good meal, take a shower, text a friend, anything that can take your mind off of the horrors I might have just written for you. I apologize if my poetry is too triggering for some, I truly understand, believe me. Some days I can't read my own poems simply because they're too graphic. But I truly have to thank all those who have sat through all these 71 (I think?) poems, I've always wanted to be a writer, yet never finished anything I started. So, if you truly like my poetry and have read this far, thank you, from the bottom of my heart. 

Now for the trigger warning:

My last 5 poems have been more graphic than past poems, but the following poem called "a ring" is probably going to be my most graphic poem. Out of all the poems I've written in my life, I don't think I've written one as graphic and raw as this one. The following poem is more of a confesional letter with pretty words for the most traumatizing experience I have lived through. The poem contains extremely graphic depictions of r*pe. It might not be everyone's cup of tea (especially for survivors), so please proceed with caution. If this is not the poem for you, I urge you to skip to the next one, or stop reading all together. I will post a more happy one after this poem, however, it's a poem I feel I need to release. 

TL;DR: thank you all for reading, the following poem ("a ring") contains graphic depiction of r*pe and sexual abuse. Please skip to the next poem or stop reading all together if this is a sensitive topic for you.

On the Borderline- poems from someone with BPD, for people with BPDWhere stories live. Discover now