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Stacy made her way to Regina's house to pick her up for the Spring Fling, her heart filled with excitement and anticipation. She rang the doorbell, and after a moment, Regina's mother opened the door with a warm smile.

"Hey, Mrs. George," Stacy greeted, returning the smile. "Is Regina ready?"

Mrs. George nodded and stepped aside, allowing Stacy to enter the house. Stacy's eyes widened with delight when she saw Regina descending the staircase, wearing a beautiful blue dress that accentuated her features. Around her neck, she wore a delicate necklace that added a touch of elegance to her neck gear.

"Cute necklace," Stacy complimented with a playful tone, a small smirk on her face.

Regina rolled her eyes but couldn't hide a hint of amusement. "Thanks," she replied, feigning nonchalance.

Mrs. George, noticing the interaction, couldn't help but smile as she fetched her camera.

"Wait, let me take a picture of you two," Mrs. George exclaimed, capturing the moment. She positioned Stacy and Regina together, but then playfully nudged Regina to the side to take a few  shots with Stacy herself, causing Stacy to burst into laughter.

Regina huffed, offended. "Really, Mom?"

Stacy walked over to Regina, wrapping her arm around her waist. "Don't worry, Regina. You're still the star in my eyes," she said with a mischievous grin, causing Regina's mock annoyance to melt into a smile.


At the Spring Fling dance, Stacy approached the table where she and Regina were seated, holding two cups of punch. She took a sip from her own cup before reaching out to offer one to Regina. However, Regina pulled back slightly, her expression indicating discomfort.

"I... have to use the bathroom," Regina breathed out, her voice strained. Stacy couldn't help but giggle at the situation, finding Regina's sudden need for a bathroom break amusing.

Stacy started to stand up, ready to accompany Regina, but before she could fully rise, Regina grabbed her arm and pulled her back into her seat with a stiff motion.

"I'm fine," Regina insisted, her tone expressing a mix of pride and defensiveness. She stood up slowly, clutching onto her headgear for support.

"Babe, you are disabled," Stacy shook her head gently, her voice filled with both understanding and affection. She leaned in and pressed a kiss onto the back of Regina's hand, acknowledging the challenges she faced.

Regina's expression softened, and she sighed, realizing Stacy's words came from a place of care and acceptance. "I'm fine. Don't be, like, weird." She then slowly started walking towards the bathroom and while she did that, Stacy noticed the Mathletes walk into the dance and all she did was shake her head.

Stacy turned her head as she felt a tap on her shoulder, only to find Gretchen and Karen standing there. Gretchen wore an apologetic smile, while Karen seemed genuinely cheerful. It had been a while since Stacy had seen them, especially after her brief disagreement with Gretchen in the hallway. She felt a pang of guilt, realizing that she should probably apologize for her own part in the conflict.

"I'm sorry," Gretchen suddenly blurted out, catching Stacy off guard. Stacy raised an eyebrow, surprised by the unexpected apology.

Stacy paused for a moment, studying Gretchen's sincere expression. She could sense the genuine remorse in her voice. Taking a deep breath, Stacy decided to let go of the resentment and animosity that had lingered between them.

"Thanks, Gretchen," Stacy replied, her voice softening. "I'm sorry too. Let's just enjoy the night and put all that behind us, okay?"

Gretchen's smile widened, a sense of relief washing over her. "Absolutely," she agreed, her eyes reflecting gratitude.

Karen chimed in, her smile infectious. "Yeah, let's have a great time together!"

Stacy nodded, a weight lifting off her shoulders. She realized that forgiveness and moving forward were the best choices for everyone involved.

After a few minutes, Regina came back from the bathroom and made her way back to their table. Stacy, with a chuckle, moved to help her sit down. As she reached out, Regina unexpectedly grabbed Stacy's hand, their fingers intertwining. A warm smile spread across Stacy's face, appreciating the connection they shared.

"I ran into Cady in the bathroom," Regina shared softly, her voice carrying a hint of surprise.

"Really?" Stacy responded, intrigued by the unexpected encounter.

"Yeah. She apologized or something, and I forgave her," Regina continued, her tone thoughtful. "Because..."

Stacy playfully interrupted, finishing Regina's sentence, "Your meds are making you forgive everyone. Yeah, I know."

Regina let out a laugh, her eyes sparkling with amusement. Stacy couldn't resist the opportunity and leaned in, pressing a tender kiss on Regina's lips. Regina tried to kiss back but she just let out an annoyed, agitated, groan. "Ow." She grabbed onto her head gear.

"Sorry." Stacy laughed. 


Cady's unexpected speech at the Spring Fling made a significant impact on everyone present. Instead of accepting the Spring Queen title, she used the moment to advocate for acceptance and individuality. Breaking the plastic crown into pieces, she tossed them to the girls in the crowd, including Regina. However, Regina, caught off guard, wasn't able to catch it, which elicited a laugh from Stacy. But Stacy quickly picked up the pieces and handed them to Regina, symbolizing their support and solidarity.

From that point on, the atmosphere at the party shifted. The tension and animosity that had once existed among the students faded away. The evening became a celebration of friendship, forgiveness, and newfound connections.

Cady and Aaron unexpectedly hit it off and started dating. Gretchen found the courage to end her toxic relationship with Jason and moved on to focus on her own happiness and growth. Karen, in a surprising turn of events, danced with a theater kid.

Janis revealed her true identity as a lesbian. She had a great time with this girl she brought with her, and her and Regina became friends again. Damian, finally finding the courage to express his feelings, entered a relationship with the boy he had been crushing on for a long time.

And Stacy and Regina were officially back together. Forever this time. 


I had no idea how to genuinely end this, but its the end and i'm kinda sad because in all honesty I wasn't going to publish it. But, I got bored and decided to. Thank you so much for 2K reads! I appreciate it so much! I will make an epilogue if I get 30 votes(I'll probably do it anyways)

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