𝐜hapter 𝐈 : 𝐡ome 𝐰recker

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Platinum hair.

Crimson eyes, the colour of blood, yet so soft.

Everything about the school president made him look like an angel.

Thought if he was an angel, his arch nemesis; Scaramouche, Kunikuzushi, whatever people called him, would be the devil himself. From his deep and intimidating navy eyes to his sadistic smile, the school delinquent was the worst.

He skipped class, pranked the teachers and hung out with gangs. Probably never got attention from his parents, Kazuha often told himself, knowing damn well he was wrong. If he said it to the boy's face, he would be in trouble, with like, the mafia or something.

The worst about all else, he was homophobic— interesting, realizing that his two best friends were gay. In a whole, Scaramouche didn't make sense to most people, and the president was one of these. They were enemies ever since, in fourth grade, Scaramouche hit Tomo, Kauzha's friend, until there was blood all over him. He made him a real mess.

Most people wouldn't know it, but the two boys actually used to be good friends. Their parents had a good relationship too, so sometimes, Kageharu would ask news about his arch rival, which sucked.

Kazuha hates the indigo haired boy with all his heart. Forever.

So you can guess his surprise when Yae Miko, Kunikuzushi's step-mother, asked him to tutor her son, for a good amount of money. Kazuha obviously wanted to refuse, but he did need the money to buy himself a new computer. So, with a bitter taste on his tongue, he agreed.

That's how Scaramouche got himself in his office for the fifth time this week. It was Tuesday.

"Listen, if it's about the drug in heizou's locker, it was Tartaglia, not me." Scaramouche said, before scoffing. "It isn't about that, but thank you for the news, I'll be sure to inform the principal." Kazuha calmly replied, his blood boiling. For some reason, he couldn't stand the delinquent ber presence. Scaramouche smirked, and Kazuha knew what it meant.

"You just wanted to get Tartaglia in trouble, didn't you?" Asked the president, as his voice deepened. Scaramouche raised his shoulders, an innocent look on his face. "I don't know, ask him." "Kunikuzushi." Kazuha insisted in disgust.

Scaramouche's eyes darken, as he banged his fist on the table. "Don't call me that, you home wrecker! And if you want to roll your eyes that much, how about you roll your whole head!?" He screamed as he lost his temper. " « Home wrecker »? You're the one with the divorced parents, Kunikuzushi." He simply responded, a cold look plastered across his face.

For a moment there, he saw the other's eyes widen, but before he could comment on it, he was grabbed by the collar. "The fuck you said, Kaedehara?! At least my mother's alive, compared to 'someone'! Don't talk about my fucking family like that!" He hissed as he let go of Kazuha's shirt. The president sighed, knowing this wouldn't be easy.

"Speaking about your family, Mrs. Raiden came to visit me. It's why you're here at the moment." Scaramouche rolled his eyes, sitting back down on the office chair, crossing his arms. "So it's because of this stupid woman that I have to stay after school's end?" He asked, a 'tsk' escaping his red lips.

Red... like strawberries. One more reason to hate Scaramouche. Kazuha was allergic to strawberries, they could be deadly to him, which truly sucked. Kazuha sighed the loudest he ever did before gaining back his composure.

𝐭he 𝐭aste 𝐨f 𝐬trawberries 𝐨n 𝐲our 𝐈ipsWhere stories live. Discover now