𝐜hapter 𝐈𝐈 : 𝐡ow 𝐭o 𝐭ame 𝐭he 𝐝evil

486 16 192

Scaramouche sighed, seeing that he couldn't escape his tutor even if he wanted too. He looked around before going into the kitchen, where voices were heard. Miko's and Kazuha's, to be exact. When he entered, both of their eyes were on him as he awkwardly smiled. Kazuha's eyes darken and his step mother smiled.

"Well, hello there Kuni. Can you explain why you're one hour late?" She asked, venom coming out of her mouth. "I got in detention." He simply responded, shrugging his shoulders. He wasn't really lying. "Well, now that you're here, I guess I'll leave you two to your activities." She smirked as she got out of the kitchen. 

Kazuha and Scaramouche stared at each other for a moment before side eyeing. "Kuni?" Kazuha scoffed, holding back a laugh."Hugh, why do you have to be my tutor, already?" "Because I need money, I guess." Kazuha replied, rolling his eyes. Kunikuzushi smiled, coming closer to Kazuha. "Something tells me you don't believe me. What do you think I was doing, pretty boy?"

Kazuha was silent for a moment before responding. Pretty boy? "No, I do." He was clearly lying. He knew Scaramouche was not really in detention the whole time. Kazuha looked up, giving a side eye at his 'student'.

Scaramouche leaned down, mouth brushing over Kazuha's. "Don't go looking so upset." Scaramouche murmured the words against the other's lips. He looked away.

"I'm not upset."

"Don't lie to me, Kaedehara." Scaramouche's voice was steady, but his grip turned sharp and heavy. It shouldn't have felt as comforting as it did. "I hate liars."

"I do as well."

"Do you really?" There was a look in Scaramouche's eyes, and something told Kazuha, probably his instincts, that he wouldn't like where this was headed. Scaramouche continued in a light tone. "Then, do you hate yourself?"

Kazuha's eyes widen. He didn't see that one coming. "Do you?" He replied, in a bitter tone. Scaramouche smirked, getting away from Kazuha. "Well, shouldn't we start working Mr. tutor?" He asked sarcastically.


Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Finally... beat the shit out of the person in front of you. Those were probably Wriothesley's thoughts at the moment. He punched, dogged and punched again. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one... his opponent didn't get up. He opened up his eyes again, in front of him was his abused punching bag. 

Yeah, he wasn't really going to kill someone. Maybe.

His sweat was visible and he was breathing heavily. "Fuck you, Aether..." he muttered as he rested his head in his hands, almost making his AirPods fall. Wriothesley felt an hand on his shoulder and he looked up. "Hey Wrio~! You look shitty today, what's up?" A sarcastic yet soft voice asked. "Noting, lady Furina. The real question, why the hell are you here?" He replied, taking one of his headphones off. 

"I'm waiting for Neuvilette. He's in the ring fighting some dude called... what's his name again? Tartaglia? Yeah, whatever. I noticed you looked like you wanted to kill someone and I thought that I, as the nicest person you'll ever meet, would be able to help! So, tell me, what's wrong Wrio?" She asked— more like requested. Wriothesley sighed. 

"Ohhhh~! I got it! It's about Lyney isn't it?" She asked, a snicker forming across her lips. "You—!" He flushed pink, wanting to strangle Neuvilette's girlfriend more than anything. "You know, now that we're taking about him, I guess he is kinda hot. But you find him cute more than anything, right?" She chuckled, loving Wriothesley's embarrassed expressions. "Shut it..." he murmured, his face between his hands. 

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