𝐜hapter 𝐈V: 𝐬trawberry kiss

449 16 273

Eight years ago

"Hello, m-my name is Scaramouche and I really hope we can get along!" Said the bowing boy before running to his assigned desk. Every eyes were on him, making him very insecure.

'He kinda looks like a girl, no?' 'that's the new student?!' 'Why is lil bro so emo?' 'Isn't he the son of Raiden Ei?'

He wanted to cry. He switched school for that exact reason. Why did it had to come back here? He looked around, and his attention turned to the boy next to him, who looked up at the same time. He smiled. He smiled! At him! Oh my god! Kunikuzushi immediately looked away, his cheeks flushed.

Scaramouche tried paying attention to class but his eyes always came back to the beautiful boy. He was looking at the teacher with concentration and at one moment his eyebrows raised. "Excuse me, emmm... Scaramouche right? I don't understand this question...! Could you maybe help me? Only if you get it, of course!" He excitedly asked, moving his desk closer to the indigo haired one. 'I need to be friends with him.' Thought Scaramouche, overheating.

"Oh! Where are my manners! My name is Kazuha! Kaedehara Kazuha! Want to be friends?" Asked Kazuha, taking both of Scaramouche's hand in his own. Scaramouche's embarrassment turned into surprise then happiness. "If that's okay with you..." he responded lowly, looking at Kazuha's pretty face.

"Can I call you Scara? Sorry, I'm bad with long names! Anyways, want me to show you a tour of our school at lunch? Oh! And you have to meet my friends, I'm sure they'll love you! Scar—"

"Kazuha! Stop talking, you're distracting the new student. But now that you say it, go give him a tour, will you? Don't get lost again." Gently said the brown haired lady. "Of course Miss Lisa! You're coming Scara?" Asked the platinum haired boy, a big smile on his face.

'I need to marry him.'


An akward silence was heard in the Raiden's mansion. Yae Miko had cooked Fukuuchi Udon, her specialty dish, and even thought it was delicious, Kazuha just couldn't concentrate on the food. On the other side of the table, Shogun and Scaramouche where shooting glares to each other.

"So, how was your day, Shō?" Gently asked their step mother, taking a sip of her Sakura bloom tea. She didn't seem to notice the stare off between her children, or she just didn't care. "It was okay, I guess. Can I go hang out at Kujou's house after I'm done?" She requested, her bowl of Udon still full.

"Simp." Coughed Kunikuzushi, making Yae Miko chuckle. "あなたは話す。ここにいるのはあなたの小さな彼氏ではないですか?!" (Translation: You speak! Isn't this your little boyfriend here?!" Responded Shogun, flipping her hair over her shoulder. "すみません?!" (Translation: Excuse me?!) the smaller boy yelled back, hitting the table with his right fist.

"ああ、さあ!あなたがカズハを最も尊敬していることは誰もが知っています!" (Translation: Oh come on! We all know you have a crush on Kazuha!) "使用済み." (Translation: Used.) 

"You guys know I understand Japanese, right?" Finally cut off Kazuha, looking at both siblings. The step mother puffed by her nose, almost choking on her meal. Scaramouche's face turned bright red and Shogun rolled her eyes. "You heard nothing, bitch." Bitterly said Kunikuzushi, looking away. "My lips are closed."

"Until you two start making out." Muttered Shogun. Another bickering session arrived between the siblings until Yae Miko finally agreed for her step daughter to leave. Shogun ate rapidly her meal, not particularly enjoying it. She glared at Kazuha before rolling her eyes again. He and her had once been friends... She used to like T—... no. He shouldn't think about that. About him.

𝐭he 𝐭aste 𝐨f 𝐬trawberries 𝐨n 𝐲our 𝐈ipsWhere stories live. Discover now