𝐜hapter 𝐈𝐈𝐈: 𝐚nswers

373 18 172

Kunikuzushi sat anxiously in the waiting room, watching around him. He and his friends never really cared about getting bullied, but this was crossing the line. Thought, he could only talk about this to one person: his 'aunt'.

Unlike like his mother and sister, Kunikuzushi and his aunt did get along. They loved each other, sure, but they only saw the other once a year (at his auntie's death).  Kunikuzushi breathed in deeply, kinda scared.

"Patient 190, Mrs. Kunusali is ready to see you." Said a young lady with teal hair. This almost gave the boy a panic attack. He got up, trembling. Sure, his aunt was a psychiatrist, but Kunikuzushi always felt bad asking her for help.

He opened the door before closing it softly. The woman was in a chair, and she chocked on her coffee when she saw the navy eyed man.

"Kunikuzushi? What are you doing here?" The older asked, gaining back her composure. The youngest sat down in front of the little woman.

"I need your help, Nahida."

Nahida served her nephew a cup of tea, an awkward smile on her face. "Is this about Ei?" She finally asked, looking down. Shame filled Kunikuzushi's eyes, biting back a small cry. "...no. Not this time. I've got a friend who that never talks to us and he seems to have depression. Could I book an appointment with you?" The youngest asked, looking at his feet. Kunusali smiled, nodding. "Of course, Kuni." She replied, taking out her agenda. "For when?" "February second." (Only the real ones know).

A loud silence followed. Kunikuzushi finally looked up. His aunt smiled sweetly again before embracing him into a warm hug. Kunikuzushi melted and let out a quiet sob. Nahida patted his head, kissing his beautiful hair.

"Did Ei try to—" "yes." 

"Why do you insist on staying home, then?"

"If I don't, they would be in danger. Shogun included." Nahida sighed at that response, closing her emerald eyes. 

"If she send you to the hospital one more time, I'll take responsibility—" "Nahida—" "Kunikuzushi."

"If she hits you again, I'll kill her."


Xiao was peeling an apple next to his boyfriend, who was humming one of his song. "Xiao?" Asked the older man, with a sweet tone. "Hum?" Replied the tealed haired boy, not looking up. "I love you." He said, chuckling. Xiao cut his finger, swearing in the process. He sucked on his own finger, stopping the blood from flowing. 

Venti lifted his lover's chin, cupping his cheeks and squishing them. "You're so cute." He finally said, his eyes full of love. He took Xiao's injured hand in his own, gently kissing it. "Thank you for taking care of me, my little bird."

"Venti— of course I'd take care... of you. I mean- I know being an idol is dangerous and all... but I—..." he stopped, looking away. "I don't want to lose you." He finally whispered. Venti turned bright red, just like the apple peel. He then grinned, before kissing Xiao's forehead. He took his lovers hand to him, smiling gently.

"Do you feel it, Xiao?" Babum, babum, babum... "Your... heart beat?" He asked, clinging to his boyfriend's leg. "Yes. (Venti kissed Xiao's cheek and brought both his hands to his heart.) It's still beating, my little bird. (He re-placed Xiao's hands on his right shoulder.) There is still flesh here, even though it got stabbed. I'm strong." He said gently, kissing Xiao's palms.

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