𝐜hapter V : 𝐈 𝐡ate...

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Kazuha woke up, being embraced by a cold arm. He immediately got up, the towel on his head fell to the floor. His cheeks turned bright red as he walked into the wall, falling down next to the towel. This woke up the person next to him in bed, who hurried to his side.

"You're okay?" Asked the man. He knew that voice. "Scaramouche! What the—" He started, slowly turning to face him. "WHY THE FUCK WAS I IN YOUR BED!?" He yelled into the indigo haired boy ear. "Don't act so harsh, you basically begged me to sleep with you." "What are you saying!?" 

Scaramouche sighed before taking his phone from his desktop. That's when Kazuha realized Kunikuzushi was shirtless, with only loose joggings as an outfit. He had such a tiny waist! Kazuha forgot about that.

 He, on the contrary, was wearing a black shirt, way too long for him, with a white pair of joggings, too. 

Was he wearing... SCARAMOUCHE'S CLOTHES?! Well... they did smell like him... NOT THAT HE KNEW AND COULD RECOGNIZE SCARAMOUCHE'S SMELL! Kunikuzushi finally came back and showed him a short video of him crying and tugging on the school delinquent sleeve.

"WHAT?! DELETE THAT RIGHT NOW!" He yelled, his face flushed and jumping up and down to reach the other's phone, who was holding it over his head. "Ummm... how about... no. I had to deal with your ass for a whole day... doesn't that deserve a thanks?" He replied, approaching his face to Kazuha's.

"Back off! I have a girlfriend!" The school president yelled, blushing even harder. Scaramouche smirked. "Yeah, yeah... and you love her soooooooo much, don't you?" He teased. "The hell?! What nonsense did I tell you while being sick?!" 

"Lots of lies... like the fact that you 'love me'..." "EXCUSE ME, I WOULD NEVER SAY THAT! I HATE Y—" He started, just to be shut down by Scaramouche's hand. 

"It was pretty cute, too. You even used my nickname, you know, the one when you had adhd and couldn't say a name with more than five letters?" Scaramouche teased.

"Just— Hugh! Did we at least talk about Tomo's situation or..." he murmured. Scaramouche gave a no from the head and sighed. "Miko said you could stay today and that you didn't have to go to school. She informed your dad already." "I'm not even sick anymore! I can go to school!" He responded. That's when his head started spinning and he fell to the ground AGAIN. 

Scaramouche gave him the most shit eating grin he ever saw.

"You're sure about that, pretty boy?" 


Lyney and Sigewinne were shooting each other glares across the table, only one thought on their mind; 'I hate that kid.'

Wriothesley was making tea, and as soon as he arrived, his little sister hugged his leg, almost making him lose his balance. "Wow there princess, I could had burned you! Be more careful, okay?" He asked, a small smile on his face. Lyney pounded and rolled his eyes at the nine year old girl.

"Big brother, how long does your friend as to stay over??? You know I have a pyjama party with Qiqi, Klee and Yao Yao!" She asked, whining. "I'm sorry, Winnie... Lyney and I need to talk a bit, but don't worry, I'll make it to your sleepover, I pinky promise!" A smile flashed across the little girl's face. 

"You're the best! I'm going to pack my things! Talk to your little 'boyfriend' while I'm preparing!" She yelled, already climbing the stairs. Both boys turned red and as soon as eye contact was made, they both looked away.

"...wanna talk in my room?" Finally asked the taller one, breaking the silence. "...sure." 

When they arrived in Wriothesley's room, the awkward silence same back. "Why did you beat up Freminett?" The question was simple. Only six words. Six words he didn't want to hear not answer. 

Expetally not from Lyney.

"...I don't... I'm sorry, Lyney." He finally said, knowing well that it wasn't an explanation. "You're not even sure why you did it yourself, right?" He asked, his voice trembling. Wriothesley hummed and looked away, shameful. Lyney came closer and took both of Wriothesley's hands in his own. "Apologies to Freminett and if he accepts your apology... I think I'm willing to give this a shot." 

The black haired man blushed at his sentence. "Can... I give this a shot now in case he doesn't accept...?" He asked, placing his hand on the magician. Lyney's cheeks grew pink before he blushed a bit and nodded.

Wriothesley brought Lyney's hand to his lips, giving it a small kiss, his eyes closing. His other hand found the blond man's cheek and he gently stroked it, while kissing all over his arm. When he finally arrived in front of those beautiful cherry coloured lips, he opened his eyes, meeting the smaller man's purple one.

"Can I kiss you...?" "Please..." 

Their lips met and fireworks exploded. Lyney's lips tasted like pate aux fruit and Wriothesley absolutely craved it. He smiled into the kiss and Lyney grinned back. 

"I'll make sure he'll forgive me."


"Listen Scaramouche. It's not hard." "The fuck you mean it's not hard?! Why is there letters in math?!" "Because it's ALGEBRA!" Kazuha tried staying calm, but he just couldn't. They were revising for their math exam and he just knew Scaramouche was acting clueless.

"Algebra uses letters and symbols in the place of numbers and can be used to simplify expressions. Each letter or symbol is a variable, and can represent a range of values! Is that so difficult?" Sighed Kazuha, taking a bite out of his pancake (which Scaramouche cooked). Kunikuzushi rolled his eyes and nodded.

They talked a bit about their past, a few hours prior, and while they still weren't friends, something just clicked and they got along... more or less. It definitely wasn't has bad as before, thought. 

Scaramouche explained in blur why he bet up Tomo, (because this one tried to make out with him without his consent and when Scaramouche told him he liked Kazuha, Tomo told him he was so much better than the Canadian boy and one thing led to another.) Kazuha listened without saying a word except a low apology.

"So 'X' equals 4x+6-78(4-38)/68?" Asked Scaramouche, staring at his tutor. "Which equals too?" "-8.25." Instantly replied Kunikuzushi, who brought his hand to his mouth. Kazuha's eyes widen and he grinned. "Aha! I knew you were faking it!" He said, a bit of proud coming out of his tone. Then Kazuha just froze. "HOW DID YOU GET THAT WHITOUT A CALCULATOR?!" He yelled at him, impressed. "I-I... guessed?" He lied.

(A/N: Yes, I did the problem myself, it's high school level of math, but shushhh. And yes that's the actual answer lol.)

Kazuha chuckled a bit and scaramouche looked away. Oh, how he missed that beautiful sound. They would always laugh together, but ever since the accident, he never made the school president even break a smile. A real one.

He hid his blush, remembering that Lumine was in the way.

She didn't have to be thought.

He brushed away this thought. Kunikuzushi simply looked at Kazuha, admiring the boy's feature.

'I want to marry him..."

"I want to mar—" "you want to?" Kunikuzushi sighed. "I want to murderer you." "Hugh, fuck yourself."  

"Only if you watch."


This chapter is really short, I'm so sorry! I had a lot to do! Idk how to evaluate a friendship okay? Just don't question itttttt...


Tysm for 13k views on tihbati (this title was way too long, okay?)!!! Y'all are the best! Have the greatest night or day!


1265 words

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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