Chapter 2-2

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Things had settled down in Konoha after the past few years. The hidden leaf village dropped the wartime measures after a month and search efforts for the Yondaime's child slowed down. Instead, there would be a team of shinobi sent out to search for the boy. Each month, a new team is made and a new location is picked to scout. This went on for 5 years and continues to be the norm.

At a certain Hokage's residence, tearful wailing could be heard.

The bundle of cloth was handed over to the redhead who gave birth to it.

"Congratulations Kushina, it's a girl." Tsunade hands over the tiny newborn baby to her mother. Her student, 16-year-old Shizune, left the room to alert the rest of the news.

Kushina barely held the baby when the door banged open.

"Kushina-!" Minato rushed beside the bed.

"I-I'm okay, dear..." The redhead gasped, still in pain and out of breath but overwhelmed with happiness. "L-look..." The baby in her arms teared up. The cries were small, but it welled up indescribably feelings between the couple.

Several other people streamed into the room to look at the sight.

The closest friends of Minato and Kushina congratulated the couple, with Jiraiya bringing the first set of gifts for the child.

"Have you thought of a name?" Tsunade asked.

Minato and Kushina exchanged glances.

"Kushina wanted to name her Mito after the late Mito Uzumaki. Among other reasons..."

Mito Uzumaki was the previous jinchuuriki of the Nine Tailed Fox. She was very close to Kushina while raising her to become the Kyuubi's successor. When Kushina missed Uzushiogakure, it was Mito who taught the girl about the village and their clan.

That was before Uzushiogakure fell. Fortunately, Konohagakure mustered a rescue operation and managed to save many villagers and clan members. The people and the clan's survivors moved and settled in Konoha for their protection. With time, they will slowly merge with the village.

"Jiraiya, Tsunade...a word."

Jiraiya paused in the middle of making funny faces in his attempt to stop the baby from crying.


"Me and Kushina have been thinking..." Minato interlaced his fingers with Kushina's. "...if you would be willing to be her godparents."

Tsunade and her husband, Dan Kato, both carried surprised expressions at the request.

"Mama, what is a godparent? Are they also parents?" The small child of Tsunade and Dan, Kusuri Senju, pulled on her father's shirt.

"Something like that..." Dan patted Kusuri on the head while glancing at Tsunade. "'s your choice."

"Of course!" Tsunade leaned over and hugged Kushina tightly. "I'd love to."

Minato raised an eyebrow at Jiraiya.

"What about you? Will you-"

"Heh, and have the chance to become her favourite uncle? Definitely!" Jiraiya poked Mito's nose, which caused the baby to finally stop crying. Instead, she started giggling at his antics. "See that? She likes me already!"

The small crowd bustled around the newborn, showering Kushina and Minato well wishes and gifts.



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