Chapter 4-2

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Karin still hadn't made any progress over the Adamantine Sealing Chains by the time they reached the coast.

She pouted. The same couldn't be said for Naruto.

Karin looked over her friend, whose right eye was bloodshot from the constant practice he underwent.

And by practice, she meant trial and error.

Looking at it, maybe she should be happy that she wasn't the one learning under Obito at the moment.

Karin held Naruto's head as she guided her healing chakra into his eye.

" goes progress?"

"Obito's a slavedriver." Naruto's dead tone was more than enough to share his thoughts.

Karin sweatdropped. She had seen the entire thing after all. Obito had no clue how to train Naruto when it came to genjutsu. The solution? Brute force. Obito threw genjutsu after genjutsu on Naruto. For some reason, it didn't work at the start.

Naruto wondered why Kurama kept laughing.

Then Obito upped the ante. The Uchiha believed that his Sharingan was helping Naruto throw off his illusions, so Obito stopped holding back. Many unfortunate trees now had a Naruto-shaped crater from the number of times Naruto failed to break Obito's illusions. They were weaker without his Sharingan, but as an Uchiha, his genjutsu was still far above average.

It was sink or swim.

At least something came good out of it.

"Did you actually learn to cast genjutsu?"

"I can't create illusions yet, but I learned how to break them."

It took some time, but just like Obito, Naruto was brute forcing it. Genjutsu was the art of adding a false layer over how a person perceived the world. Since Naruto could use Obito's Sharingan, he could see the veil of chakra being made in front of him. It was difficult at first because Naruto wasn't used to seeing things change. Obito made it obvious by changing random objects as they traveled.

A tree would change into candy.

A rock into food.

A random grey-haired shinobi getting set on fire. That one was a favourite. It popped up quite a lot.

Naruto didn't know who it was though. Whoever it was, Obito seemed pretty pissed off about him.

"I can see him making the illusions. The Sharingan makes it easy. I just don't know how to copy it."

The Sharingan copied ninjutsu. What it did not copy was genjutsu.

Obito's less-than-effective lessons did have another boon though. Naruto was pushed to use the Sharingan to his limits.

The two Uzumaki perked up when they felt a familiar chakra signature enter within range.

White Zetsu's head emerged from the ground.

"Obito's waiting for you at the village docks. He's found a trader willing to smuggle us into the Land of Water."

Unlike other nations, the Land of Water didn't have a solid border. Instead, they had a fleet of ships with shinobi on board to check ships coming through shipping lanes they established.

If Kirigakure's shinobi spotted any ship sneaking through, it was instantly sunk.

Which was funny, considering that the sea was too wide to even enforce a border. The best Kirigakure could do was send patrols around the external islands. Even then, more than a few ships still managed to sneak past their border.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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