Chapter 2-3

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6-year-old Karin Uzumaki bit back another round of pain as the last patient of the night bit into her arm.

The Kusagakure shinobi on the bed withdrew his teeth and watched as his fatal wounds rapidly healed after the deadly mission.

Karin hated it.

So this was what her mother endured in Kusagakure.

Her mother died a few months prior after losing too much chakra healing the Kusa shinobi in one night. She collapsed and died a slow painful death that not even the other medic-nin could save her. Now, Karin was forced into the same position. Kusa was not happy losing her mother and put in place a limit to the amount of shinobi she could heal at a time.

"That's it for today." The medic-nin tasked with overlooking Karin's schedule told her.

Not that Karin needed to know. She always counted each and every patient that bit into her everyday. She memorized the quota, horrified by each new day at how many people would bite her.

Tomorrow would be no different.

The medic-nin led her back to "room" in the hospital.

It was a glorified jail cell. Karin had never been out of the hospital since the day she took over her mother's role. Small walks outside the perimeter didn't count as she was always attended by one or more Kusa nin.

No privacy. No rest.

Her days were dull. Not even the other children she met in the hospital stayed for long. Those that did were always sad, either in part to a dying relative or to being sick themselves.

Today was just like any other.

But that night was not like any other.

Karin woke up in a cold sweat. Something felt wrong. It was a different kind of feeling compared to the dread she felt when sensing the fluctuating chakra of injured shinobi being brought for treatment.

No, this one felt alien and encompassing.

Karin quickly balled in on herself, wrapping her arms around her legs and staring around the room in fear.

"M-Mr. Ninja, sir?" She called out to the guards outside her door.

When nobody answered, Karin looked around and stared in a certain direction where the chakra congregated the most.

Then it moved.

Green venus flytrap leaves slowly emerged from the ground. They opened up and a white humanoid head poked out to look at her.

" can see me. Interesting."

Karin curled in on herself to block her sight of the weird man. She felt his condensed chakra signature emerge further from the ground and move towards her. She froze when his hand latched onto her shoulder.

Then, her world was surrounded with his energy as the man pulled her into the ground with him.


The journey took hours, but Karin felt them move at speeds she hadn't imagined possible. Most of her life was spent as a civilian up until that point, which only left her at the speed of one. The man's earth ninjutsu surprised her when they moved underground at jounin's speed, even if Krin couldn't tell properly.

At some point, a third chakra signature entered her range travelling at the same speed while also surrounded by the stranger's chakra.

The location they arrived held three more distinct chakra signatures, with 2 more condensed forms that had the same energy as the man who kidnapped her.

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