Chapter 4-1

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One year later...

"We've delayed for too long."

Black Zetsu looked at Obito across from him. The cave opening they stood within basked in the moonlight, lighting up their forms in the peaceful night.

"It can't be helped. Raising Naruto pushed back our plans." Obito glanced at the sleeping children's direction inside the Gedo Mazo cave. He had to remind himself a few times not to attach himself emotionally to them. They were just pawns for their plan. "They should be ready. One year is enough."

"You still want to start with Kirigakure?"

Obito stayed silent for a bit.

"I will make them pay for what they did to Rin."

Rin's death was actually Madara's plan to draw Obito to his side, but Black Zetsu didn't have to say that.

"Isn't it better for us to start in Amegakure?"

That was where Nagato Uzumaki was. If Obito and Black Zetsu started operations there, they could start building rapport with the Rinnegan host. It would suit their plans.

"I'm not confident we can hide from Hanzo the Salamander."

Then again, Obito also shared his opinion.

Nagato and his budding rebellion was still leagues away from challenging Hanzo. If Obito decided to start operating there, then he would be putting himself at risk. As it was, he was severely limited without his Mangekyou. At least the last few years helped him shore up the rest of his abilities.

"The Land of Water is large. We can start accumulating capital from there while also looking for members to join us. We can return to Amegakure with power and funds to help that rebellion Nagato is starting."

Black Zetsu could see where Obito was coming from. It was the safer option, though it would take some time.

"We still have Naruto and Karin to consider."

The black figure closed his eyes. He didn't know how long the Rinnegan would take to manifest, but giving it a few more years as they accumulated resources and strength sounded better.

"Very well."

Worst case scenario, the Rinnegan wouldn't manifest. Then Black Zetsu would just return Obito's Managekyou to him. Having Naruto as a future pawn for their plans was just a bonus. His real goal was to create the Rinnegan.

"It will be hard. We don't have the Mangekyou to work with."

"It doesn't matter. We can make do."

Obito will plunge Kirigakure into civil war with or without his Mangekyou.




"Hurry up and finish him off."

7-year-old Naruto glanced at the wounded Kusagakure shinobi. Not that he could see him, but the mere act of facing the dying man was enough to draw a pained cry from him.

"The longer they're alive, the longer they suffer."

Naruto knew that the man had a few hours left in him. If they left him, he would get saved by the incoming Kusagakure nin.

But that meant exposing their identities.

Obito and Naruto couldn't do that.

The entire Kusagakure group that ran across them during their mission was killed to keep their secret.

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