Chapter 3-2

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When it was late afternoon, Tobi didn't bring them back.

"Tobi? Isn't it getting late?" Naruto asked as the sun set over the horizon. Warm afternoon air was slowly beginning to leave, replaced by a cool evening breeze as the streets lit up lamps to continue into the night. The trip back would take hours, long past dinner time if they started now.

Tobi stayed quiet.

Karin's instincts tingled. Something wasn't right.

"Do you remember the ninja from this morning?" Tobi asked.

Naruto pressed his lips together nervously. Just what was going on?

"...yeah? What about him?"

"Tobi has a mission for you two."

For some reason, he didn't like the sound of that.

"What mission? We're just kids." Karin asked. "We don't even know what we're going to do-"

"Kill him."

Her voice died off as Tobi uttered those words.

"W-what...?" Naruto whispered with horror.

"Your mission is to kill him." Tobi repeated.

"He can't be serious..." Karin murmured. "We're just kids-"

"Tobi wants the both of you to start learning how to help around."

"H-help around...?" Naruto's voice shook. He and Karin knew exactly what Obito and the others did. Obito would return to the cave many times drenched in blood, sometimes he would be wounded, more often not.

They weren't good people. Not in the slightest.

"We don't even know how to kill him! We don't have weapons!" Karin swallowed the lump on her throat.

"You don't need a weapon for this." Tobi knelt in front of the two kids. "I know it might be hard...but you can do it! This man is wanted. He has done a lot of bad things." He pulled out a small leaflet and showed it.

Sure enough, Karin saw the man's information. A C-rank shinobi unaffiliated with any village. The nearby villages put out a small bounty on his head, just barely above that of random gangs and mercenaries that pulled robberies on civilians on the road. His threat and bounty level were small enough that even shinobi and bounty hunters ignored him.

"See? We're not making you do anything bad!"


Karin and Naruto knew that it was only a matter of time before they would be sent after other targets. Obito and the others had that sense about them that screamed danger. It was impossible to ignore for the two capable sensors. Naruto and Karin may have gotten used to it, but they knew that it was only directed to others.

"And if we don't agree?" Karin gulped.

"Well...they didn't tell me what would happen."

Of course they wouldn't. Tobi would try to protect them, but he would fail.

Karin faced her friend. Even Naruto's face was pale. They had an idea what failure meant.

If not death, then punishment. They'd be forced to do something worse down the line.

"O-okay. We'll do it..."


Tracking down a target in a crowded village was a completely new experience for Karin and Naruto. It was different from learning ninjutsu and sparring. Fortunately for them, they had the ability to sense chakra which proved useful.

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