Who Are You?

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His body jolted and his eyes shot open. The doctors were relieved and put their utilities away. I cried of relief knowing he was alive and breathing. I ran into the room with Darry  and Johnny behind me. A nurse was checking his pulse, and once she finished she told us to meet her outside.

"I'm so sorry to tell you this but Dally has a slight case of amnesia. He said he can remember where he is, his name, age, and other necessary information. So when you walk in there I suggest you take it easy and don't tske offense if he doesn't remember you."

"Oh ok. Thank you. Thank you for saving his life," I professed. She nodded, shook mine and Darry's hand, and left to attend to other patients.


As I walked in I saw Dally unhooking the tube in between his nostrils and ripping off the bland, white gown. He looked up to his visitors and smiled.

"Hey Johnny man! And Darry Dope!" he exclaimed while shaking each of their hands.

"Why hello there" he said while eyeing me up and down. I probably looked a mess, but I was happy to see him, not caring how I looked.

"Hi Dally!" I rejoiced. He gave me a confused look.

"How do I not know the pretty gals name but she knows me?" he chuckled glancing at Johnny.

'Oh Dally you're funny. How are you feeling?  I was worried sick about you!" I asked sitting next to him on his bed. He scooted over for me, but more in a suprised way.

"Uh I'm feeling sore but just fine.. I would feel better if you gave me your number. " he smirked.

"Dal you already have my number." I said with a serious face. Does this mean??

"Dally do you know who I am?" I questioned with concern and fear.

"Sorry babes, what's your name?"

My heart stopped. "Dally stop playing you know who I am!" I started to tear up. I almost lose him, but now he loses his memory of me?

"Uh 'fraid not? How do I know you?" I starred at him with wide eyes and stood up. Darry and Johnny looked at me with pity but I ran out of the hospital. I ran home looking for comfort, knowing that my comfort person doesn't remember me anymore.

Dallas Pov

I woke up and saw an empty hospital room. I saw all these weird ass gadgets on my body and started ripping them off. Suddenly a girl, Johnny, and Darry walked into the room. She started talking to me like I knew her but truth is I had no clue. She was beautiful though. Dark brown hair, eyes matching, tan hair, she looked like she was crying but she looked gorgeous. I told her I didn't remember her and she started crying and sprinted out of here.

"What's her deal?''

"Well, she- y'all were bestfriends. She stayed with you all these nights. You really don't remember her?" Johnny asked. I shook my head no

"Dal the doctor said you got a small case of amnesia. That's why you don't remember her."

"Oh, dang amnesia sucks." I chuckled.

"Ima find info about your release Dal." Darry walked out of the room leaving Johnny and me.

"Hey Dal," he sat in a chair next to me, "so Isabella, the girl from earlier, you almost died for her. Tim was talking shit about her because she turned him down and you got so upset you blew. Y'all got into a nasty fight, knifes and blades were involved, and thats how you ended up in here" Johnny explained. I was shocked. I must've been real upset to fight and defend for some chick.

"I think you love her Dal. She didn't leave your side once if only to use the bathroom or eat. She screamed 'I love you' when your heart beat went flat. And you're crazy about her too. You got so upset when she started dating someone else, and you only showed her your kinder side. You never showed that to anybody except me."

"I mean she was really pretty, but don't I got a broad already?. S-sasha. No no ummm S something...uhh SYLVIA! Aren't I dating her?"

"Really Dal, you remember the girl that cheated on you but not the girl you loved?"

"Oh she cheated? Well forget her then.. I'll try to remember her. I only remember the gang. and uhhh the dude that got me here."

Darry came back into the room and explained to me that I had to take some pain killers and that they should try bringing me places to help jog my memory. I was discharged bout an hour or two later and we headed to the Curtis house.

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