16. 𝘮𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘦𝘭 𝘸𝘩𝘰?

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"So when are you going to stop being a baby and ask Arabella to be yours?" Marnie smirked at the hybrid as the two waited for the heretic to grab everyone coffee. "I mean, it's pathetic really. I mean, you're the big bad Klaus, and Arabella makes you nervous." Marnie had picked on Klaus for the last week for not making any type of move on her red head best friend.

"Like I've told you a hundred times, Marnie; she just wants to be friends." The original argued back.

"Oh please." Marnie groaned with an eye roll. "The girl definitely wants to sleep with you." The brunette stated in an obvious tone.

"She said that?" Klaus questioned Marnie eagerly.

"You're actually the dumbest person I know." Marnie rolled her eyes once again at Klaus. "It's so obvious by the way she looks at you, and you look at her the same way." She explained, but before Klaus could argue with her, Arabella walked out of the coffee shop with three coffee in her hand.

"Here you go, princess doggie." Arabella smirked at the hybrid as she handed him his coffee. "And Marnie." She handed the brunette vampire her coffee as well.

"Thank you, best friend." Marnie smiled at Arabella, but then an idea came to her mind. "Hey, Arabella; since we're in Portland, didn't you sleep with some guy from here years ago?" Marnie smirked at Arabella, but glanced at the hybrid and saw anger wash over his body.

"Oh yeah, I did." Arabella answered awkwardly, confused on why Marnie was bringing that up right then.

"Didn't you say he was the best you ever had?" Marnie's smirk grew wider as she saw the anger and jealousy grow more and more by every passing second. "Because I swear you told me that after it happened." She smiled innocently at Arabella as she saw the confusion grow on the heretic's face.

"I mean, yeah. It was hot." Arabella answered more confused than ever as she was the first one to get into the car. Marnie smiled innocently at Klaus as she got into the car next. The original hybrid let out a sigh as he got into the car as well. The three drove in silence as they headed towards werewolf territory.

The three spent hours in the woods, Klaus creating hybrids, and Marnie and Arabella standing by, waiting for Klaus to be done. As night fell, Klaus received a phone call from Stefan. "So why did you bring up the guy I hooked up with in front of Klaus?" Arabella asked as she turned her body to face the guilty looking vampire.

"No reason." Marnie answered, but she could not lie to her best friend. "Okay, it was because I wanted to see if Klaus would get jealous, and he totally did!" She cheered proudly, knowing her plan worked.

Before Arabella could argue with Marnie, Klaus came back from his phone call. "What did Stefan want?" Arabella questioned as she walked behind Klaus to the car.

"Mikael is dead." The original answered with a mixture of emotions running through his voice.

"Mikael who?" Marnie questioned as she met with the two by the car.

"He's your father." Arabella answered for the hybrid as she pieced the two together. Klaus nodded at Arabella before he started to order the newly made hybrids around. Once Klaus had all the hybrids doing what he needed them to do, Arabella, him, and Marnie jumped into the car and began their long roadtrip to Mystic Falls. But as Klaus drove closer to the small town, the heretic could not shake the feeling like it was a bad idea to go back.

"So, you're throwing a party for your dead father who's not your real father?" Marnie asked after Klaus had explained what will happen once the three arrive back to Mystic Falls.

"Yes, Marnie." Klaus sighed.

"Well we have to go dress shopping!" Marnie ordered. Arabella nodded her head in agreement, and Klaus let out a sigh, but nodded his head in agreement. "I'll look up the closest mall to us!" Marnie cheered as she pulled out her phone and used GPS to find the closest mall to them. "Okay! Take exist eighteen, and it'll be the first left turn!" She ordered Klaus as excitement ran through her body. "Ugh! I love shopping!"

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