Firts Date, Firts Time 🔥

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"Wanna go on blind dates Kim?" Yujin asked the older as they were finishing up some work.

"I don't have time for that, you already know Yujin" Minji said as she packs up her things.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun!" Yujin said and Minji just groaned

"I really don't have time for that Yujin" Minji said and Yujin huffed, can't believe that her CEO friend would be so busy with work, along with that, so boring....

"Fine, anyways, let's go down together, Rei's waiting for me" Yujin said and Minji nodded.

They both left Minji's office and went down to the lobby. If you're wondering, Minji was still quite young to be a CEO, unlike Yujin who was now in her last year of college, Minji didn't finish it. She was immediately in the position as the CEO of the company but she was smart anyways so it wasn't a problem.

When they reached the lobby, they saw Rei with another girl.

"Babe~" Rei said happily and went towards Yujin to give her a hug and peck on the lips.

"Hi babe, and who is this?" Yujin asked and looked at the other girl that Rei brought with her.

"Oh, this is Hanni. I brought her with me today to hang out" Rei said with a smile

"Hi" Hanni said softly and waved hello to Yujin and also to Minji.

In Minji's eyes, she has never seen a person who looked like Hanni. She had beautiful black hair, gorgeous face, Cute nose, kissable lips and a perfect body as Minji thought.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Hanni" Yujin said

"Nice to meet you too Yujin.... and you must be..." Hanni trailed off as she looked at the other girl.

Minji was kind of lost in her mind so Yujin nudged her.

"O-oh... I'm Kim Minji" Minji said and Hanni chuckled as she nodded. She thought it was cute when Minji suddenly stuttered.

Yujin then looked at Minji then back at Hanni, a little smirk forming in her lips.

"I guess we should all go home right?" Yujin said and Rei looked at her confusingly

"But babe, who'll bring Hanni home?" Rei said worriedly

"Where does she live?" Yujin asked

"At ***水** , it's like the opposite direction of our place" Rei said

"Minji unnie lives there, maybe she can take Hanni with her and drop her off"' Yujin said

"Are you fine with that Hanni?" Rei asked

"It's fine with me" Hanni said and Minji just gave in.

Later on, they went home. Minji drove Hanni off to her place but before Hanni could go down from the car, Minji spoke to her.

"Hey, you don't mind hanging out don't you?" Minji asked

"Not at all" Hanni said and giggled

"Oh... well can I get your number?" Minji asked and Hanni then gave her number to the older. She then went up the the condominium and to her room.

Long Time Skip >>>>>

It's been a while since Minji and Hanni had been seeing each other, mostly because of Rei and Yujin but just yesterday, Minji asked Hanni out on a date. Hanni obviously couldn't say no so she accepted Minji's offer

They were now together at a nice restaurant that Minji suggested. They had a quick meal together there and right after they walked around the park since Hanni wanted to.

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