Love Language

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[ Lastly, Bbangsaz would probably have Receiving/Giving Gifts as their love language]

"Is she done yet?" Minji asked as she was waiting impatiently out on the corridor

"Be patient, their class doesn't end til 5 more minutes" karina said and it made Minji sigh. She has been trying to say sorry to the younger for days. The two had been in an argument and Minji was worried that Hanni wouldn't forgive her.

"What did you do exactly?" Ningning asked as she took a sip of her drink

"... l ignored her" Minji said and sighed once again

"Really? you ignored her? how were you able to do that?" Karina asked because she knows that Minji wouldn't be able to last long not talking to her girlfriend.

"It was for a prank okay?, I didn't know she would be that serious about it" Minji said

The bell then suddenly rang and then students went rushing out of the classroom.

"Hi unnies!" Rei said cheerfully

"Hey Rei" Ningning said

Hanni then went out of the classroom, she smiled as she saw ningning and Karina but her expression changed as soon as she saw Minji.

"Why is she here?" Hanni asked as she furrowed her eyebrows

"She's picking you up, also Rei. Don't you remember?" Karina said

"I don't remember talking to her two days ago. Whatever, I'm going back to the dorm on my own" Hanni said and walked away

"Hanni unnie! wait!" Rei called as she ran to follow the older. The other two did the same and it made Minji sigh. She should think of a better way if she and Hanni would be in good terms.

A little later when she arrived at the dorm, the girls were shocked when they saw Minji carrying a bouquet and then a box of chocolates.

"Woah, that's a lot" Karina said and it made Minji sigh

"I hope it makes Hanni feel better and forgive me" Minji said and then went to the younger's room. She took a deep breath first before knocking on the door. She then heard footsteps and then the door opened, it revealed a tired looking Hanni. She was definitely shocked to see Minji with a bouquet of pink roses and a box of chocolates.

"M-Minji..." Hanni muttered

"I'm sorry Love, I didn't mean to ignore you, it was all just a prank. Please forgive me, I can't take it when you don't talk to me" Minji said, almost crying. Hanni felt a little bit guilty, she knew that the older would be a little playful towards her and she should understand that. Besides, Minji had the effort to buy her flowers and chocolates.

She gave in from Minji's apology, she went closer to the older and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"I forgive you now Love" Hanni said softly with a smile and it made Minji smile as well.

"Thank you for these by the way, I love the flowers a lot" Hanni said as she got the gifts Minji brought her.

Hanni was about to walk back inside of her room but Minji pulled her into a tight hug.

"I love you" Minji said softly

"I love you too Love" Hanni said and hugged Minji back.


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