Chapter 2- Where the heck am I?

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~ Y/n's POV~

I crashed on the ground with a loud thump, groaning as I got up. The smell of drugs, alcohol and smoke filled my senses. I looked up to see chaos all around you and the blood-colored  sky above . Where was I? I continue to scan my surroundings as a broken sign with dimmed lights caught your attention, it read "Welcome to hell".

Wow , this day gets better and better.

The realization finally hits me like a bus. I died and somehow ended up here. I remember that I was shot and I did commit some....crimes.  But I wasn't necessarily a bad person! Oh well, there was no going back, I pushed my thoughts away and tried to forget about the past

I quickly ran away from the crazy things that were happening to take refuge. I caught a glimpse of herself in a nearby building window (A/n: you can make the character to your liking). Woah, I looked so different from when I was human! So this is what demons looked like. I knew hell would be filled with many different types of bad people, so I decided to keep a low profile. Right now I really needed a job or something to blend in and a place to stay. I heard people fighting about their land and something about overlords? Despite my confusion, I didn't want to stick around to find out. My attention is suddenly caught by a  "NOW HIRING" in big red letters. The sign was planted on a huge building with 3 bright glowing V's.
This is perfect! I made my way to the building. I took a deep breath, before entering into the building, hoping for the best.

As I walked in, I was amazed at how nice the interior was. I didn't think it would be this nice, well, the rest of hell looked like shit, but this was pretty fancy. There were three sections to the building each studio having a different name: Valentino, Vox and Velvette. That must be why it's called the VVV. Each studio had their own specific designs and colors.

I walked into Valentino's studio it was filled hearts with different shades of pink on the walls and a red carpet on the ground. It had porn posters everywhere, with multiple rooms with different labels "Oral sex" ,"Gay sex", etc. I assumed that's where they filmed. I stopped one of the workers, who was wearing a very revealing outfit and walking out of one of the rooms.

"Um, excuse me. I noticed the now hiring sign outside and-"

"Yes, the VVV's need more workers. Valentino is the lust overlord, if you work for him you'd be hired as a porn actor." She said impatiently.

An overlord? But before I could ask her she handed me a brochure.

"I'm kind of in a rush and Valentino hates when we're late for shooting, this should provide more information about the job. You should check out the other studios before making a decision."

"Okay, thanks." I didn't want to hold her any longer and  made my way to the neighboring studio.

I walk over to Velvette's studio it had different shades of pink on the walls creating an ombre and had a black carpet. There different setups of cameras, racks of clothing and different backgrounds.

I talked to another worker, who also gave me a brochure and I learned that Velvette is also an overlord. Before I could ask any questions, she quickly excused herself saying she was late for her modeling session. I sighed. My two options so far were a porn actor or a fashion model, much to my dismay. I also really should find out what an overlord is.

Finally I make my way to the last studio praying for a better option. Vox's studio was filled with the colors cyan, red and black. There were different types of technology that were being tested and made by scientist. On the other side of the room they're were new reporters, journalists and TV hosts filming multiple shows.

"Excuse me, I'm thinking of applying for a job-"

"Oh yes! Vox is looking for a secretary and in this brochure you'll find the requirements. He's quite strict and you also need to write a resume." The reporter said hurriedly. All these workers seem to be in a rush...

"Okay, I have a quick question. What's an overlord?" I asked

He blinks at me, shocked "You must be new to hell." He said "Well, in pentagram city everyone is fighting for property, because the more land you have, the more power. The VVV's have the most right now."

That explains sooo much, gosh hell is so different from earth.

"You probably also need a place to stay, nights in hell get pretty bad. You should go to the Hazbin Hotel, they let you stay for free. They're pretty fucking weird though, something about rehabilitating the souls in hell so you can go to heaven."

I thank him as I make my way out of the building, looking through the brochures. Being a secretary wouldn't so bad.... But you can rehabilitate souls? Interesting...welp, it is free of charge and I have no money, so I guess I'll give it a shot.


A/N: More updates coming soon, I'll try to update as much as possible. But for now, hope y'all have a good night/day/morning.


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