Chapter 3- Welcome to the hotel!

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~Y/n's POV~

After following the directions given to me by the reporter, I find myself at the steps of the infamous Hazbin hotel. It was a tall red building with bright arrows pointing to the entrance. Well, here goes nothing.

I knock on the door and flinched in shock just as it flew open. I see a blonde haired demon with a red suit.

"Hi! WelcometotheHazbinHotel-" she says  without taking a breath.

Suddenly, another demon appears in the doorway. She had white had that covered half of her face and a red X on her right eye. 

"Charlie, slower." She said with a reassuring smile.

The blonde haired demon took a deep breath.

"Hi! I'm Charlie, welcome to the Hazbin Hotel. Do you need a place to stay?" She says with a wide smile, holding out her hand.

I shake her hand and nod

"I'm y/n." I say.

"Nice to meet you! And this is Vaggie." Charlie says pointing at the demon beside her.

As I walked in, it was a nice and simple hotel, kinda old timey.  The whole interior unsurprisingly had multiple shades of red.
It had everything a normal hotel would have.
It wasn't so bad, I'd only need a small amount of time to stay in the hotel.

"Alastor will show you to your room." Charlie said checking me into the hotel.

"So I don't need to pay, right?" I had to make sure, because I had nothing I could use to pay.

"Of course not! Although you do have to promise, to stay clean, don't get into trouble. You might have heard we're trying rehabilitate hell's souls." Charlie said with a smile.

I nod. "Sounds fair enough." 

" Hello my dear!"

I jump as a deer demon appears behind me. He also wore a red suit and a red monocle. He held a microphone in his hand also and a freakishly huge grin on his face.

"The name's Alastor. What yours young lady?"
He asked with a radio like voice.

"O-oh it's y/n"

Suddenly you two were teleported in front of another door with the number "36" on it.

"Here's your room, your on floor 12." He said as he handed you a key.

"If you need anything we're always on the main floor." He said before disappearing.

I notice the smile on his face never faltered, how odd. He was kinda creepy. I shook off the thought as I entered not room. It had a small vanity, closet, a bed and a standard washroom. I settled in just fine and decided to take a shower after the crazy day, so far hell was alright. At least I  had a place to stay and a possibility of getting a job. After I washed up, I didn't have any other clothes beside the leggings and shirt I died in. I would have to buy  some stuff when I start making money.  I looked out the window, looking over pentagram city. It was getting dark so I decided to go to bed, I put the brochures down on the nightstand and slowly drifted to sleep.


Chapter 3 is done! Hope you guys like it so far


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