Chap 6- Interviews with a twist

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~Y/n's POV~

I look at myself in the mirror, adjusting my hair and fixing my makeup. I can't help but be nervous, I really need this job. It's the only normal job I could find here in Hell. I take one last look at my outfit. My white blouse and black pencil skirt fit quite nicely, I'm so thankful that Vaggie and Charlie helped me get my whole outfit.  I slip on my black heels and head to the Voxtech studio.  Everyone wishes me good luck as I step out of the hotel.

~Time skip, bc idk what to write :))~

I walked into the Vees building making my way to Vox's studio. Everything is extremely chaotic , everyone seems to be stressed out, occupied with their own work. I look around unsure of who to talk to, I don't want to bother all these busy people. Suddenly, I hear the sound an elevator ding, bringing everyone to a stop and heads turning to the elevator. Confused, I turn around and out steps a very unamused and annoyed looking Vox. He usually looks so charming and optimistic on When he goes on air... Everyone rushes to him, asking questions and I get caught in an wave of people.

"Alright, alright folks!" He signals them to settle down.

"I know work has been a little more difficult and stressful. But please, stay on task and do your fucking job! We can't have any work behind schedule, we've got competition and we can't fall back anymore. So get to work!" Vox shouts at them as his face glitches out.

While everyone scurries back not daring to speak against him, I'm left standing by myself. Vox pulls out his phone and starts mindlessly scrolling on it, as he starts to make his way to Lucifer knows where. Should I stop him? Do I approach him? Who knew job interviews are this stressful. Maybe I should go, I can't do this. I start to get more and more anxious, stuck in my own thoughts as someone suddenly appears in front of me.

"Can I help you?"

I yelp and jump back. Tripping on my own high heels, as he grabs my hand before I could fall.

I regain my composure and look up....shit. It's the infamous Vox, CEO of Voxtech and a powerful overlord. The TV headed demon wore his iconic navy blue suit with cyan streaks going through it and a bright red tie.

"U-uh you scared me." I said stumbling over my words.

He rolls his eyes, placing his hands on his hips "I could see that. You obviously don't work here, what do you want?"

"U-um w-well I guess I do seem out of place." I nervously chuckle, while he continues to eye me, unimpressed. "I was told to come for an interview?" I stutter.

His eyes light up, " Ah! You must be Miss Y/n L/n." He extends his hand and flashes his iconic businessman smile, "Vox, I'll be interviewing you today."

I shake his hand "You had quite an impressive resume, especially for a lowly demon like yourself."  He said

Was that an insult or a compliment? "T-thank you?" 

"The interview will be held in my office. Follow me." We walk into the elevator and he presses a button. As we arrive to the designated level we walk on a narrow pathway, I look down confused with the design of the room, and I see sharks in a huge a aquarium, swimming below. At the end of the path there's multiple screens circling around a single office chair in front of them. On the middle of the floor there a voxtech symbol. Another chair and table appears behind the office chair and the screens, with a zap and the flick of his hand. He motioned me to sit as he spun the office chair around and took a seat.

"Alright, let's begin shall we?" Vox says.

~Vox's pov~

I could tell from the start she was quite nervous. Of course she was, she was in front of the most powerful demon overlords.

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