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HEY GUYS IM BACK! I finished two of my exams for school and won't have anymore until June!!! Idk y'all, it's weird how they do finals where I'm from. Also I'm not crippled anymore and can continue playing soccer! Life been treating me better so far 😄 AND I GET TO GO TO QUEBEC IN A WEEK FOR A SCHOOL TRIP, so I'll be ditching y'all again :(

Anyways, it was so hard choosing a scenario to write. There were so many good ones!! Hopefully you guys like this one, Voxxy being a big softie and being super sweet (only for his darling), when Y/n has a nightmare and he helps her fall back asleep. 

Vox x reader fluff

~Y/n's POV~
Screams erupted in the air, as the angels came down with their swords for the annual extermination. Shit. This was the worst time to outside. I quickly take cover trying to hide from the angels who slaughtered any sinner in their way. I have to somehow get back to the Vees' building, where I'll be protected.  I look around scanning my surroundings, all I have to do is run and get back home....Then I be okay.....I won't die. My adrenaline was pumping faster and fear was holding on to me with a death grip. Thankfully, I see that the angels are preoccupied with other sinners and I quickly bolt from my hiding spot, running as fast as I can. I run and run knowing my directions, like the back of my hand. I was almost at the building, hope fills me as I almost reach my destination. When suddenly, someone grabs my arm, yanking me to the ground.

"You little bitch. You think you could get away from us?!" Lute says "You think you could just hide and have your fucking boyfriend always protect you? He couldn't even protect himself" She laughs.

"W-what are you talking about?" I say as I tried to get up only to be kicked back to the ground.

"Just that little TV headed piece of shit." Adam shrugs, holding Vox's head the wires still sparking as if it were just torn off. 

"Who knew such a powerful overlord was such a LOSER. Nobody can beat me 'CAUSE I'M ADAM." Adam pridefully shouts, pumping his unoccupied fist in the air. 

The realization hits me like a truck.  Vox was dead? He can't, he's not! He would never let the angels get to him and he can defeat them! He's an overlord! He's powerful....right? The tears fill my eyes as I continue to struggle on the ground. He wouldn't leave me.....he would never.  I begin to uncontrollably  sob. 

"How could you?!" I manage to spit out.

Now I'd die too, because of these fucking stupid exterminations and there'd never be another I'd see Vox alive. The angels may be in Heaven, but they sure as hell are still a bunch of bitches. My hatred would do me no good though, fear was eating me alive, why would they do this to us? They had everything in Heaven and still weren't satisfied! My legs felt like they weight a thousand tons, I couldn't get up. I was left at the mercy of the angels.

"Oh please, he stood no chance. Besides what's fine bitch like you, doing with this flat-headed TV?" Adam mocked.

"Um sir, we have to still take care of her...." Lute says rolling her eyes.

"Ohhhhh riiiight, haha almost forgot. Have fun dying again!" Adam raises his sword 

"Wait- NO!" I try to protest, as Adam pierces the sword through my stomach. Soon after I blacked out. It felt like I was drowning in this black abyss, almost suffocating. As if death were trying to swallow me whole. I struggled trying to identify anything, I couldn't even see my own hands in this darkness. 

Suddenly, I hear my name .

"Y/n! Wake up!" Am I dreaming? I try to wake myself up, only to be trapped in the darkness suddenly I start to panic, hyperventilating, I frantically moved around trying to find an exit.

"Y/N!!!" I'm shaken vigorously, out of shock, I shoot up from the bed.  Vox's worried eyes stare into my wide ones.

"Are you alright sweetheart? You scared the shit out of me, it took so long to wake you up. You were tossing and turning." He said, slowly sitting up beside me, rubbing my back soothingly . 

I tried to recover from my own fear and hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go. He was here and I wasn't going to let him go. 

"Y-you're still here, t-thank Lucifer you're still here." I shakily sob.  I bury my face in his chest, my tears soak his white T-shirt. 

I feel him freeze a little, confused with my actions. But then he pulls me onto his lap and  he wraps me a hug.

"Shhh. Of course I'm still here, I'll always be right here for you even if it's 2:00 am and I need to recharge." He says teasingly. I softly punch him in the chest, a laugh comes from me despite my constant crying. 

"Nightmare?" he asks.  I look up at him slightly, his red eyes a little weary but still maintaining there mischievous glint and his blue screen dimmer than usual.  

"Y-yeah. It felt so real....." I say as he hums in response, placing kisses on my forehead and in my hair. He gently stands up holding me bridal style and places me on the bed, before lying down beside me hugging me from behind.

"We don't have to talk about it if it really upset you, but just know I love you so much and I'm always here for you." He says as he peppers my neck in kisses

"I love you too" I say turning around to face him, our faces inches apart. He gently captures my lips with his, lovingly kissing me . I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer, his hands on my waist and my tongue melts against his. We finally break apart for air, I rest my head on his chest and my leg drapes over his. He traces mindless patterns on my thigh and places one last kiss on my lips. 

"Sweet dreams, darling." 

This one was pretty challenging, it was hard to reimagine Vox as a soft hearted kinda of person. Sorry it's super short, it's my first time writing fluff. Hope you enjoyed it!


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