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Being knocked on the side of the head with a water bottle would do that to you.

Faint laughter was heard in the background as Atlanta stared at the cold concrete floor in front of her. She could faintly taste the blood staining her lips.

She hated it.

No matter where she went or where she was, she was constantly fighting.

She hated it.

Fighting to be heard, fighting to survive, or fighting some evil teen bitch. There was never a moment of peace or tranquility.

She hated it.

So, like all the other moments before, she pushed herself up. Atlanta got up with little struggle, licked her lips, and raised her fists. Because no matter how many times she got knocked down, no matter how many times she wanted to stay down, she got back up.

Atlanta Alvarez had no motivation to live. No motivation to keep going. No reason to keep moving forward.

Her body, however, had a mind of its own. Just when she thought she wouldn't get up, she was up and swinging before she could think.

"KICK HER ASS, ADDY!" Chants and screams were heard all around. Kids from all around campus were flocking to the group surrounding the two girls. Atlanta wasn't even sure what started this. All she knew was someone was going to get their ass kicked, and it definitely wasn't her.


Addeline Dubois was a stubborn-spoiled 15 year-old brat. With long blonde hair and bright blue eyes, she was the epitome of Eurocentric beauty. A pretty girl with a nasty attitude.

Addeline could have been more than the evil bitch she was, but her ego was higher than Mount Everest. An unending need to prove herself because she didn't get enough attention at home.

No matter what Addeline went through, no matter the reason of why Addeline hates herself, Atlanta could not give two fucks. Addeline Dubois was still a two-faced twat.

So, every time Atlanta ignored her, every time Atlanta pushed the wrong button, Addeline grew angrier. It was no surprise that a rumor of Atlanta making out with her bafoon of a boyfriend would send Addeline over the edge.

Atlanta just didn't expect a water bottle would be Addeline's weapon of choice.

"OH SHIT!" A quick punch to the jaw and a kick to the knee sent Addeline to the ground. Addeline Dubois has never even lifted a finger to clean her own ass, let alone be in a fight. Compared to the veteran Atlanta Alvarez, Addeline was going to be the one to get her ass knocked to the ground. Quickly getting on top of the blonde girl, Atlanta let her punches fly, running on pure instinct.

Before she could land another, someone grabbed her hair from behind. A friend of Addeline was quick to the rescue.

It was commendable. Atlanta would have jumped in if she saw her friend getting her ass beat too. Too bad it was useless.

Getting her hair loose, Atlanta punched the girl in the nose. The girl now being identified as Zoey McCall.

"MY NOSE! YOU BROKE MY FUCKING NOSE!" Blood was gushing out like a waterfall. Atlanta quickly turned back to Addeline getting ready to fight the girl who was now slowly getting up.

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