Chapter Twenty Seven. [S2]

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So I guess I'll hit the highway
The highway
Shake away all the stress off my shoulders
Going to have a good day
A good day


Because I'm eighteen
And I still live with my parents
Yeah they're not like yours
Well yours are more understanding
I've never fell in love
I've saved those feelings for you
So let's do all the stupid shit that young kids do
It's me and you, you
Just me and you
Let's do all the stupid shit that young kids do


Know I've never really been the smartest
Yeah I've made my mistakes, my mistakes
You were there when times were at their darkest
Always showing me the way
Lead the way



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"MY parents are so paranoid of me being a pouge, like it's the worst thing that could happen," Kie grumbled, sitting on the edge of the truck's bed. 

I was sitting on top of the car cabin, with my legs dangling while JJ was sitting adjacent to me below on the truck bed. 

We were on our way to Charleston, on the ferry that will take us to the Mainland, right now. We were listening to kie grumble and complain about how her parents were treating her. 

It can get boring listening the girl repeat the same things again and again. 

And I know, Kie and I patched up and said sorry to each other, but that doesn't mean that I'm not still irritated by her being so ignorant and playing the victim and being bitchy.

It's exhausting.

"I'm sure, it's not that bad of a thing!" I tried to console her.

"Yeah. And hey! I hear they got good weed at boarding schools, though," JJ added, trying to lighten the mood. He was rolling a joint in his hand, lighting it up with his lighter and smoking.

Pope had excluded himself from this scenario and conversation completely. He was standing outside the truck, leaning on the ledge, turned away from us. He seems lost in his own world.

"It is a bad thing, Ro. They completely disregard my feelings and never try to understand me!" Kie replied, pouting. "And I'm not going to boarding school," she added, looking at JJ. "They are gonna have to kidnap me, tie me up and throw me in a van," she rolled her eyes.

"'ll accidentally manifest that, Moana." I countered. "You're supposed to be the optimistic one in our group!" I remind her. And she gives a small smile to me. " the positive girl, you are and tell me that going to Charleston is gonna work!"

Catching the Waves~ JJ Maybank ᣵ¹&ᣵ²Where stories live. Discover now