❄️🐚Hard Decision 🐚❄️

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For weeks now you have been struggling with who has the bigger place in your heart, which one are you willing to give your whole heart to.

Zayne and Rafayel are both the loveliest men alive and yet... you have to choose between them..

They're fighting for your attention and love for two months now, both determined to gain your adoration.

You were unable to decide yet, but this morning everything changed. You woke up, suddenly full of clarity. Now you are sure, you want all your life with one of them.

So, you make yourself ready and head to Akso Hospitals. You found Zayne in his office, surprised to see you.

As he stands right before you, you take a deep breath: „I have decided, Zayne." and look up into his beautiful eyes.

You can see he stiffens slightly and his eyes narrowing, but he says nothing, just waiting for you to talk again.

One hand you lay on his chest and tell him your decision with quite slow words: „ I know now... it's Rafayel."

He closes his eyes, exhaling slowly so as to regain his postures „Does he make you happy?" his ask with the deep voice of his.

You nod.

„Does he take good care of you?"

You nod again, unable to speak any word because your heart is aching for him.

„Then..." he looks at you again: „I'll let you go." He kisses you on your cheek and turns to sit at his desk.

„Thank you, Zayne," you manage to spill out. before you leave the room, you add: „you will always have a special place in my heart."

„I know" calm his response, looking at you with gentle gaze „go now, and tell him the good news."

Fighting with tears you head out of the hospital. Despite your deep feeling for Rafayel, Zayne will always be your first love.

Arriving at Mo Arts Studio you found Rafayel sitting before a canvas, painting. The room around him is a mess, as always. You smile.

He heard you entering, turning his head and his blue-pink eyes lit up at your sight „It's you!" immediately he drops his brush, hurriedly coming to you.

Standing before you he frowns. There are still tears on your face and he worriedly wipes them away with gentle strokes of his thumb under your eyes and his palm on your cheek. „What's up, Buttercup?"

You take a deep breath. A Dé·jà-vu hits you, just a few minutes ago you stood before another man, preparing. But now your heart is racing with anticipation.

„Rafayel" you whisper, drowning in his sunset gaze. Never will you be tired of looking in these beautiful orbs full of emotions. „ I made my decision," you state.

Immediately he freezes, his eyes widening. Now filled with deadly fear and unbearable dread, before he closes them, steps away from you and his hand leaves your face. „I see"

He misinterprets your tears, you realise. You call his name again, with more joy this time. You take a few steps to get to him., swing your arms around his body and bury your face in his white shirt. „I choose you, dummy!" you say lovingly.

His chest widens from a deep breath before his hands are cupping your face, lifting it up to him. Not a second later his lips are on yours and he kisses you breathless.

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