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"Your grace!" A maid shouted while whispering

"What's going to happen now?" Isabel asked as tears filled up her eyes and she hid next to her maid in the secret tunnels of the castle

"Get up!" A man whose face was covered with a black piece of cloth yelled

"It's this one" the other told his partner as he pointed his sword towards the two girls who were huddled against eachother

"What are you going to do to me?" Isabel said while her voice was shaky and her eyes still filled with tears

"Shut up and we'll answer you're questions" the man spoke while he pulled her from her arm

"Don't touch me, I'm a princess I will have you executed" she yelled trying to get away from him

"Gölge hatun" the other man called

A woman much larger in size than Isabel appeared from behind the door and put her on her shoulder and carried her like a sack of potatoes


1st person POV:

The woman threw me on the wooden floors of the ship alongside five other girls who looked as wrecked as I did

"Stay here, don't try to escape we're bringing food for you" the woman spoke gently this time

"Where were you kidnapped from?" A girl with maroon hair who sat beside me asked

"Here, this is my homeland" I responded as tears welded up in my eyes

The woman came once again and put a plate of food which looked like the food I would feed an animal Infront of me

I could feel the ship moving and I rushed towards the window to see my home for one last time

As the ship moved further and further  my legs gave up and I fell while crying loudly that even people on the deck could hear me

I sat and hugged my knees tightly and couldn't stop crying

"Stop crying little girl" the same woman from before said as she sat beside me and rubbed her hand on my arm

"Why do you care, you kidnapped me from my home" I yelled at her while pulling my arm away from her

"I was also taken from my home like this, and I cried the same way you are crying" shs spoke politely and tried to hold my hand in an assuring way

"What's you're name?" She asked once again

"Isabel, Isabel LaRossa" I told her while I looked at the window and saw the place which I used to call home shrinking as the ship moved

"What a pretty name you have" she commented

"What's your name?" I asked as I turned towards her


"Do you know why you were taken from your homeland?" She asked me and I knew she was going to tell me something crazy


"The Valide Sultan, Handan Sultan asked specifically for you to be brought to the Sultan Ahmed's harem" gölge said as my expression changed quickly

"We have arrived" a man spoke getting everyone's attention

I quickly got and shook of all the dust on my dress while I turned towards gölge and asked her "where are we?"

"İstanbul" I was told

The man gathered and grabbed each of us by our arms and we got of the ship

We were all given cloaks to wear so that we don't draw any attention

I walked as my head swarmed with thoughts such as What's going to happen to me? am I going to be serving a stuck up king? Only god knows what they'll do to me.

𝐌𝐘 𝐒𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐀 | 𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐍𝐈𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐘: 𝐊𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐌Where stories live. Discover now