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"May Allah help her" Katerina commented on the woman who was in the delivery room, it was Kösem hatun

"I hope it's a girl" mahfiruze sultan prayed, she stood behind us alongside two of her maids


Ahmed looked really delighted as for he thought he would finally have an heir

"Cennet hatun?" Ahmed asked Cennet who had exited the room and it was obvious that kösem hatun gave birth to a daughter

"Congratulations your majesty, you have been blessed with another sultana" Cennet told us. It was obvious the smile on her face was fake

As soon as he heard, Ahmed made his way towards the room.

"Thank god it's a girl" mahfiruze uttered before turning to face me "let's see what this one has" she spoke as she smirked at me

"You shouldn't be so happy, You will see I will deliver a Prince" I said fiercely "although, even if I had a daughter, it wouldn't benefit you since you also don't have a son" I commented

Mahfiruze took a deep breath before she stormed out with her maids following her

"You shouldn't behave like this" Katerina spoke still focusing on mahfiruze

"Don't worry about me" I said as I stared at Ahmed who was with kösem hatun


Months later

"MAKE WAY, SULTAN AHMED HAN, HIS MAJESTY!" An agha who stood at the door of my chamber announced

"Your majesty" I said as I managed to stand up from the sofa and bow to Ahmed

"My love, don't stand up in this condition" he spoke gently before he came to help me sit back down

"Your majesty" a young boy who followed Ahmed spoke, I guessed it was Prince Mustafa. The young Prince stood Infront of me fascinated by my large belly

"My prince" I said as I held his hand and pulled him towards us

"Leave me alone with Isabel" Ahmed said. Katerina left with Prince Mustafa before bowing.

"I hope that Allah finally gives me a prince and an heir" he put forth. His delicate fingers rubbed my stomach and the other hand on my cheek

"I heard you want to become a Muslim?" He asked

"Yes, I wish to see the world as you see it" I answered placing my hand over his on my stomach

"Repeat after me" he spoke as she placed a headscarf on my head

"Ashhado ana" he spoke looking at me fondly

"Ashhado ana" I repeated almost excitedly

"La ilaha il allah" he continued

"La ilaha il allah"

"Wah ashhado ana Mohamed abdoho wa rasouleh"

"Wah ashhado ana Mohamed abdoho wa rasouleh"

He smiled before placing a kiss on my forehead making me melt from the inside

"From now on your name will be Mihrimah" Ahmed spoke proudly

"Mirhimah.... What does that mean?" I asked after tasting the letters on my tongue

"It means the Sultana of the moon and the sun" he said as he placed another kiss on my forehead and that's when a sharp pain hit in my lower stomach. I leaned onto Ahmed letting out a painful groan. I felt the pain get more and more intense as I held Ahmed tightly

"Agha's!" Ahmed yelled and barged in my ladies, Katerina, Amine and zenep hatun and many other Agha's

Midwives came in soon enough and ushered Ahmed out as the midwives started the labour

After an hour or two screams of a newborn filled out the room making me sigh in relief before another one hit me making me yell out again

Minutes later another scream filled the room. Did I just have twins? I felt too drained out to ask Katerina what I just had but managed to breath out "healthy?"

"Kicking like a goat Sultana" the midwife commented as Katerina brought to me two babies

"Two boys Isa" Katerina spoke as she placed two young Princes in my arms making me cry happy tears and smile in joy

Soon after they were escorted away to get checked up while zenep and kat helped me get cleaned up before they told me to rest until the princes were brought back so that the Sultan could name them

After two hours of sleeping, I was woken up by Katerina who helped me sit up as zenep and amine walked in with the babies in their arms, one was wrapped in a blue blanket and the other was in a Golden one. Zenep handed me the blue one before she took her place beside Katerina beside the door as someone knocked

She opened the door to reveal Handan Sultan stranding there, she had a huge grin set on her Face, she walked in amd to amime who held the baby in the gold blanket

"May Allah protect them" She said before moving over to me and looked at the baby in my arms.

seconds later the door opened again to show Prince Mustafa with who I assumed was his mother halime Sultan and his sister Dilruba sultan and just before the doors could close, Safiye Sultan walked in and they all had headscarves over their heads. Katerina helped me put on mine as we got ready for the naming.

The door opened for the third time to show kösem and mahfiruze stood with grim faces, They walked in and stood beside the rest of the Sultanas just before Ahmed walked in with a huge grin on his face like his mother.

He took the baby in the gold blanket whom I assumed was the eldest closer to him

"Your name is Osman"

"Your name is Osman" he said in each one of his ears three times after he said the adhan

He handed Osman back to zenep who smiled down at the Prince. He walked over to the bed and took the baby from me throwing me a smile on the way making me blush.

"Your name is Mehmed"

"Your name is Mehmed" he did the same to Mehmed as she did to Osman before handing him back to me and gently kissing my forehead before caressing my hair.

After we prayed for them to be good Princes first to the Ottoman Empire and to be good Muslims. Everyone left except Ahmed who now sat beside me with Osman between his arms

"Thank you so much for giving me these beautiful princes" Ahmed spoke. Stroking my hair with his fingers

I looked deeply into his eyes and then back down onto Osman.

We both layed down with the babies wrapped in our arms before we drifted off to sleep

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