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"Girls!" I heard Cennet yelling and clapping her hands to get the other concubines attention

"Cennet kalfa" I called from behind

"What is it hatun?" She asked me while turning around to face me "Ah, you go stand in the line up front" she said as she recognised my face

"I will choose which one of you will go to the privy chamber to entertain his majesty" she told us

"Raşa" she said as a black-haired girl rushed to stand Infront of us and smirk right at me

"Katerina" She announced as katerina left my side to stand next to raşa

"Isabel" I stood frozen in shock as Cennet called me multiple times before pulling me by my arm to stand with the other girls

"Here are your dresses" she said while she handed each of us a dress specifically made for us. I was given a bluish grey dress and a necklace made of pearls

"Kat, look" I called over to Katerina who was mesmerized by her own dress

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"Kat, look" I called over to Katerina who was mesmerized by her own dress

"It's just truly amazing" she complimented the dresses looking at each of them and noticing every little details. Katerina belonged to a poor family hence her being so excited when she got the dress but I came from a royal family and I was used to being pampered and having great dresses

We all got ready and some of the Harem aga's taught us how to dance properly since some of us were new to dancing. Back in my hometown I was mastering Ballet and I was great at dance but the dance they did here was much different than the dance I learnt over the years

"Isabel hatun!" Raşa called over from a far behind me making me snap out of my thoughts and look towards her with an annoyed expression on my face

"What do you want?" I asked while rage laced my voice

"Your maids aren't going to come here and pick up after you" she said with  a smirk on her face as some of her minions giggled behind her "Pick up after yourself!" she yelled

I looked to my side where my dirty clothes were at, I had totally forgotten about them

"Isa, ignore them" Katerina assured as she picked up my dress and handed it to some harem women

Wow it was only my first day here and I already had enemies I thought to myself

"Girls!" Cennet kalfa came barging into the harem "it's time, His majesty is in his chamber"

I looked over to Katrina and she looked back at me, we both were truly nervous while those other girls were being super arrogant

"Isabel, remember you are in the center of the dance, one mistake and the whole dance is ruined" Cennet told me as we rushed to the privy chamber. Her words made me more and more nervous

As I took a deep breath, the guards opened the door to reveal a Large wing with gold, sapphire's, ruby's and many other jewels on the walls and tables. It was truly magnificent to look at it, I was used to luxury but this was more than I had ever seen.

We all bowed in sync and waited until he told us to dance, I looked around and I saw a familiar portrait, It was my portrait? I thought to myself, How could my portrait be in a sultan's chamber? But then I remembered this was the portrait which was previously in my father's chamber, I soon realized my father had sold me to this sultan for money. I was raged and so deep into my thoughts I didn't see the other girls go up front to start the dance, they all looked towards me as Cennet pushed me to the center making me snap out of my thoughts

I moved my hips to the beat of the music, everything here differed from things back home, even the dance.

The dance soon came to an end and as the beat dropped we all dropped to the ground as part of the dance

I looked at the bare wooden floor until I saw a purple cloth landing right onto the ground I was staring at. I knew what this meant since Cennet taught all of us the traditions, if a purple cloth is given to you by the sultan that means he wants to see you tonight. She said

We all left the room and as I walked farther and farther away from his majestie's chamber Katerina came up to me "Congratulations!" She cried "You're going to be with the sultan on your first night here, Girl you gotta teach me" she said as she linked her arm into mine

"I hope that washed out someone's arrogance" I spoke as I looked towards raşa who just rolled her eyes and went ahead of us


After we all got to the harem, the other girls soon went to bed but Cennet and Katerina helped me get ready to lay with the sultan

They both buttoned my crimson red dress while I brushed my silky smooth black locks

"You're going to hypnotize His majesty with your beauty" Katerina said in an assuring way

"Hurry up girls!" Hacı aga whispered not to wake up the other girls

"We're done" Cennet said

"Remember everything I told you" Cennet hatun said as we walked to on the golden pathway

The guards opened the doors as I entered the room and headed towards the sultan but stood inches away from him, I didn't kneel like Cennet kalfa told me which made her furious.

"Isabel, they call you?" His majesty asked while his delicate fingers touched my rosy cheeks

"Yes your majesty" I said as I looked him in the eye, He didn't get angry with my actions at all like how Cennet described he would be.

"You really are as beautiful as my mother described" he said as he stroke my hair with his fingers

"Described?" I asked with my voice super shaky

"A merchant from Austria came, he sold a portrait of you to my mother, she gifted it to me on my coronation" He replied

I looked down as my eyes started to water, I had finally put the pieces together; my father sold me to some sultan king

"Hey, are you crying?" His majesty asked as he lifted my head from my chin and he wiped away the small tear drops which were escaping my eyes

He pulled me into a hug with my head on his shoulder and his hand on my hair

"My sincere apologies" I said as I backed away and wiped my tears

"Hey, it's alright" he told me

"I heard some concubines talking" I said trying to change the topic "is it true you will sleep with me?" I asked

"Not without your consent" he said as he smirked at me "If you wish, we can chat in the balcony"

"Sure" I responded as my face lit up a smile and he led the way to the balcony

I looked into his eyes and saw love in it, I couldn't help but sink in the brown ocean of his eyes. I pulled him into a kiss and he kissed back. We stood up as he took me into his arms bridal style and threw me on the bed

I chucked as he climbed on top of me and kissed me even more.

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