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I woke up from my sleep and looked around to find his majesty sleeping next to me. I got up and put on a thin silk robe to cover my private parts

"Good morning" I heard his husky morning voice and made eye contact with him after I turned to face him

"Ahmet" I murmured

"The moon of my life" He said as he pulled me closer and kissed my cheek
"Why are you chuckling" he asked after he saw me laughing to myself

"I can't believe I lost my maidenhood to a sultan" I told him. I started to chuckle even more

We heard a knock on the door before Ahmed said "Enter"

"Your breakfast is here, The Valide Sultan specially had this made for you and your harem" a guard spoke with his eyes focussed on the ground. Agha's entered the room bringing food that even I hadn't ever eaten. The Agha's left the room and Ahmed put on a robe himself

"Enjoy" he spoke softly while he sat down at the table "You carry my Prince" I felt chills go down my spine as he said those words and I swallowed the water which I was drinking thickly

"We're not sure of it yet, Ahmed" I assured him

"I'll have the midwife's examine you"
He told me. He held my hand which was shaking and smiled

After we ate I left his majestie's room and two harem women and two harem men followed as tradition

Right as I entered the harem everyone gathered around me to ask about my night

"Guys leave her alone" Katerina declared as she pulled me away from the crowd

"Tell me, how it went" she asked. She linked her arm in mine and we went to sit at the very back of the harem

"Hatun" an agha shouted and everyone turned towards him as he cried "You managed to please our Sultan, something no one could do, you will be shifted to the favourites wing"

I managed to not show any emotion and just smirk while I made eye contact with raşa

Multiple trunks entered the harem all carrying various different items in it for instinct; one trunk had jewellery in and the other had clothes

"Kat, They said I have to choose a concubine for my service" I said as I leaned towards her still facing raşa who sat across me "I'll choose you"

Katerina smiled at me and turned to look at the harem women who were readying my room for me

"Hey Isabel hatun" a girl who sat behind me spoke "You know you're not that special" she told me

I looked towards her as I glared at her and asked "oh really, what makes you think that?"

"Mahfiruze Sultan and kösem hatun"
She said

"Who are they?" I asked in a concerned tone as Katerina joined our conversation

"Mahfiruze Sultan is the mother of his majestie's first born daughter, Ayşe Sultan, Kösem hatun is currently pregnant" she told me

I knew safiye Sultan wanted to bother me to be on her side that's why she sent this girl to speak to me about them. I stood up to go to her chamber to confront her, but before I could leave the harem I felt a wave of darkness before my eyes and dizziness took over my head resulting in me falling to the ground

Third person POV:

Commotion covered the harem and multiple harem incharge barged in to find out what had happened

"Put her on the sofa" bulbul aga spoke as he helped concubines pick Isabel up

"Isabel, wake-up" gölge hatun spoke as she sprinkled water onto her face from a glass which was half filled

She started to slowly open her eyes and as she opened them she spoke "what happened?"

"You fainted that's what happened" Katerina spoke as she sat beside the sofa facing her where they had layed Isabel before holding her hand tightly

"What are you looking at?" Bulbul aga asked "Help her up"

"No I'm fine" Isabel spoke before she got up and made her way to her new chamber

"Shut the door please" Isabel requested as she slowly walked towards her new bed and layed down before putting on her sleep wear

The sun was still out but Isabel fell asleep

First person POV:

I could here loud footsteps making their way to my chamber. I got up to look outside through the window which was now pitch black

"There you are!" Cennet shouted "I have been looking everywhere for you"

"Well you didn't look here" I spoke as I giggled a little.

"His majesty calls for you, I got scolded multiple times because I couldn't find you" Cennet told me

"He asks for me?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow "tell him I'm sick"

"You're refusing the sultan?" She asked as she came closer and helped me get up from my bed

"I'm not coming Cennet hatun" I said as I let go of my arm from hers

"Alright then, if he gets mad it's not my fault" she said as she stormed out of my room


Third person POV

"Your majesty, she said she is not able to come as for she is ill" Cennet kalfa spoke. She didn't even dare to lift her head since she knew Ahmed would get mad

"Why what happened to her?!" He asked in a very concerned voice

"She fainted in the harem earlier this evening" she spoke

"I'm gonna visit her, bring the chief physician along" he commanded before he stormed out of his room

"MAKE WAY, SULTAN AHMED HAN, HIS MAJESTY!" a harem agha announced before gathering up mall the concubines in two parallel line forming a pathway

First person POV:

I heard the announcement of the agha, I knew he was coming to me. The last thing I wanted to do was to see him.

He entered the room before coming to me, I tried to get up but still felt really weak. He gestured not to get up

He came and sat beside me face towards mine. He rubbed his delicate fingers on my cheeks, just by looking into his eyes made me forget my anger

"Isabel" he spoke gently "the chief physician will examine you"

"Yes your majesty" I uttered

"Your majesty, in order to examine your harem, You must leave us" the chief physician spoke and Ahmed nodded

Third person POV:

Minutes had past since the physician started examining her

"How is she? What happened?" Ahmed asked worriedly as the physician exited the room

"Good news your majesty, your favourite is with child" she spoke as she gently smiled at the small crowed which had gathered outside the door

Ahmed headed towards Isabel before kissing her forehead and holding her hand. Although he was very happy, Isabel showed less to none happiness

"Isabel, what's the matter?" Ahmed asked as he kissed her hand which was previously in his own

"You" she spoke. She regretted it right after, would he behead her for this? She asked herself

"Me?" He questioned "what did I do to upset you my love"

"How many more wives do you have?" She quired before noticing his smile fading away "You have a daughter and I didn't know that?" She asked once again

First person POV:

Ahmed took a deep breath before leaving the room, I quickly took back everything I said and just watched as he left my room.

As he left the room all I could possibly want was to sob to myself

"Hey, hey, are you ok?" Katerina asked before coming to sit next to me

"I messed it all up" I replied still sobbing

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