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"Zenep take Osman he is asleep, and amine give me Mehmed he is yet to be fed" I spoke taking Mehmed in my arms before giving Osman to zenep

"Come" I said as I heard a knock on the door before the concubines opened the door to reveal kösem standing their

"Kösem?" I asked while handing Mehmed back to Amine and walking over to Kösem

"I know you might not be expecting me but....I need your help" she spoke coming closer to me and over to the sofa

"Safiye Sultan kidnapped my father, she said I could save him if I convinced His majesty not to exile her but even when I said I'll do it she still killed him" She came straight to the point "I don't have anyone else except Hatice, She's my only family left" she spoke with her voice shaky and tears filling her eyes

"What do you need help with?" I asked wiping away her tears and holding her hand in an assuring gesture

"I want to tell his majesty but I can't"

I hugged her while she cried making me remember my family and my father even though he never really was involved in my life.

As soon as Kösem left I went straight to Ahmed because I really pitied her.

"Ahmed" I spoke while entering the room and the guards shutting the door behind me

We both sat down on the sofa and I held his hand before I spoke "Kösem came to me, she need help with something"

"What?" He questioned

"Safiye Sultan kidnapped her father and as ransom she asked Kösem to convince you to not exile her but even after kösem agreeing to her offer she killed him off"

Ahmed breathed heavily as he got angry, but not at Kösem. At safiye that snake.


"Do you really have to go on this campaign?" I asked sadly while rubbing his shoulder. We sat at his sofa which also served as a throne

"As a Sultan it is my duty to make our empire bigger and stronger" he replied chuckling

"But I'll miss you" I whined almost like a small baby. He placed his hand over mine making me stop rubbing his shoulder before pulling me closer to him and on his lap. I squealed at the fast movement

I placed my lips gently on his while looking up at him. We shared a passionate kiss before I left his Chamber to get to mine.

"I miss him already" I said bouncing Osman up and down while Mehmed was next to me. They both had grown up so Fastly over the months, they were barely recognizable since they were babies.

The doors of my chamber slammed open to reveal Hacı aga standing there panting

"Sultana, Safiye Sultan's men are outside, they're breaking in they want to kill the princes and ascend Prince Mustafa to the throne" he said panting. I handed Osman over to Katerina and pulled my cloak over my shoulders and Katerina brought Osman back to me, before leaving I made sure Mehmed was with amine

I knew just where to take them. There was this little girl and her sick mother whom I used to visit everyday.

The sound of clashing swords echoed throughout the corridor as we ran over to Kösem's room

I barged in to find Kösem huddled into a corner with Hatice in her arms She quickly rushed towards us and we both headed to mahfiruze room.

As we entered her room we found her   holding onto Ayşe as a man held a dagger Infront of her, I quickly grabbed an iron bar from the fire place and hit the man on the head

I motioned her to come with us but before she could leave the room the dagger was now pushed deeply into her back. She let out a final gasp before handing Ayşe to me.

She fell to the ground making Kösem scream in fear. We grabbed Ayşe and headed to Handan Sultan's wing

As soon as we were about to get there we heard the sound of clashing swords. I handed Osman and Ayşe to Cennet and signalled her to leave while I grabbed a sword which was near a dead body

I took the sword and I was ready to fight whomever came in my way. Three men came with daggers in their hands, I finished each one of them before getting to the Valide Sultan's wing myself

But before I could turn around I felt someone's presence behind me, I motioned my sword ready to kill but found Zulfiqar agha standing, "Sultana, let's go it's not safe hear" he spoke while leading me to safety

Right as I entered, Handan rushed towards me and spoke "Are you ok?" While looking at my face which was covered in blood from fighting earlier

Katerina came to me to help me since someone managed to place a dagger onto my arm, I felt super drained and fell onto her arms before she helped me back up.

Katerina pulled the dagger out my arm while Zenep tied a cloth to it in order to prevent extreme bleeding.

I took Mehmed and kissed his forehead and hugged him tightly.

We all rushed to a secret gateway and soon we were out of the Palace. I saw Dilruba sultan and Prince Mustafa with her, We all made our way into the carriage which stood not afar from here.

We were about to reach the Grand Bazaar but the carriage suddenly stopped and The sound of clashing swords came to my ears once again

I moved the curtain which was on the gate of the carriage to view what was happening but saw our Carriage driver and some other men dead

Someone opened the other curtain, we all froze in fear but to our shock that person was no other than, Mehmed Giray. "Sultana, you can trust me, I just heard everything" he spoke as he sat on his horse

As soon as we got to the little cottage we made our way to it, The little girl meleki came. "Sultana hurry before someone sees you" she spoke

While everyone rested, I made sure to stay awake in order to protect my princes and their orphaned sister, but somehow I fell asleep as well. To my horror when I woke up both Dilruba Sultan and Prince Mustafa had vanished

I ran outside to find them but Safiye Sultan's men already got there, They tied both my hands and brought me to the palace dungeon where I was going to be executed.

The executioner tied the rope around my neck and I closed my eyes. Even though the lack of air troubled me, I managed not to show any emotion.

I am Mihrimah Sultan, Sultan Ahmed khan's Haseki, Mother of Prince Osman Khan and Prince Mehmed Khan, I am the Sultana which they call The Sultan's wife and I am The favourite of Favourites, I brought forth not one but two brave princes to this dynasty. I am Mihrimah Sultan.

Before I could succumb to my defeat I felt the door slamming open as bülbül aga barged in

"Ran off" he signalled the executioner who ran as fast as he could

"Bulbul aga?" I questioned panting

"It's not so easy to kill Mihrimah Sultan" these were the only words he spoke before he rushed out

I walked to meleki hatun's house and ran inside to find mehemt and Osman. I pulled both of them to my chest and placed a kiss on both their foreheads

I head outside to find ahmed waiting for me there

"Ahmed" I exclaimed

I hugged him tightly as he hugged me. "They told me you died" he whispered
"They told me YOU died" I whispered back

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