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We were all brought to a huge palace, it was larger than the palace I lived in

We all entered the palace and saw many different things

"Cennet kalfa!" Gölge called as a woman walked over to us "here are the girls" she said handing us over to her

"Which one did handan sultan ask for?" A man who stood next to that other woman spoke as he looked at each of us

"This one" gölge told the man

"Ahh, she is very much a beauty" he said as he touched my hair

"Get away from me!" I yelled getting everyone's attention

"MAKE WAY! Safiye Sultan, Her Highness" another man cried as a woman who had many maids surrounding her came

"Cennet kalfa who are they?" The woman spoke

"Uh, just some beggars" the woman Told the other one who had walked towards us

"I am not a beggar!" I yelled as I felt darkness cover my eyes and before I could react I hit the ground

First person POV:

I felt super dizzy as I opened my eyes to find Cennet kalfa, Hacı ağa and gölge hatun standing so close to my face I could feel their breath

I backed up as I asked "What happened?"

"The doctors say you fainted due to dehydration" Cennet responded

"Wait, where am I ?" I asked once more

"You're in the hospital room" gölge told me

"Who was that woman earlier in the courtyard?" I quired

"It was safiye Sultan" Cennet told me

"Is she the valide sultan?" I said while I got up and fixed my dress

"That's handan sultan" gölge implied

"You're going to the hamam now" Cennet said as she helped me get up

"What's a hamam?" I asked as we walked towards the harem

"That's where everyone showers" Cennet said as every girl in the harem looked towards me, I could hear all of the murmuring about me

We walked up to the hamam and there I saw familiar faces

"You were in the ship with me" I whispered to the red head while I stood next to her

"Yes I was" she responded

"What's you're name?" I asked her

"Katerina" she whispered back

"Isabel you're turn" Cennet spoke as I quickly went to the doctor who was examining everyone

"Girls get cleaned quickly since the valide sultan had arranged a party this evening" Cennet announced as she clapped her hands

"I sat next to a sink which had some water in it and what looked like a silver bowl

I filled that bowl and cleaned myself as Fastly as possible

We all got dressed and I was given a beautiful white dress which had a pink overdress and a silver belt which held it together

"Hatun" someone whispered as I turned as quickly as possible to reveal whom it was

"Cennet kalfa?" I asked while whispering

"The Valide Sultan wants to see you" she whispered as she lead me to the sultanas wing

As the concubines opened the doors to a large room where Infront of the door was a sofa where a black-haired woman sat. I walked over to her standing a foot away and curtsying as I usually did to people with a higher rank than me

"Your highness" I spoke as I rised from my deep curtsy "You wanted to see me" I said as I looked the woman eye to eye

"I wanted to see you before you enter my lion's chamber" handan sultan spoke gently as she walked closer to me and touched my hair before speaking once again

"You are as beautiful as they described you, my son is in love with you"

"Your highness, you exaggerate" I told the valide sultan as she chuckled at my words and sat back down at the sofa as she patted on it signaling for me to sit next to her

"Listen to me closely" she spoke as she held both my hands

"if safiye Sultan ever asks for you, be prepared. Never agree to what she wants of you and never ever tell her anything I don't approve of. Understood?" she said fiercely. It sounded like she had great hatred towards this safiye Sultan who's apparently the sultan's grandmother

"I understand Sultana" I spoke as I swallowed thickly and looked to my hands which were shaking "I will never let you down" I said after a long pause

I quickly got up and bowed before the sultana and left the room, this time Hacı ağa did not follow me

As the concubines shut the door behind me I stood there listening to each and every word of the Valide to see if she Found me fitting for her son

"What do you think Valide?" Hacı ağa asked handan sultan "do you find here sincere?" He continued

"I think she is befitting for my lion" she spoke as I got closer to the door to hear clearly

"Sultana....When are you gonna tell her, we should tell her before safiye Sultan finds out" Hacı ağa whispered

I left the sultanas wing as soon as possible, I was so dumbfounded by Hacı aga's words I stood in the narrow hallway thinking about his words which I didn't understand even a bit.

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