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"The garden looks even more beautiful now" I said kneeling down to smell a white rose. As I knelt down I felt a sharp pain in my lower back. I let out a painful groan and all of my ladies quickly assisted me back onto my feet

"Agha's!" Gülfem yelled. It had been almost a week since Katerina converted, I named her gulfem after she became a Muslim.

I was taken to the hospital wing and there the physicians examined me. Ahmed and Handan Sultan came rushing as soon as they heard.

"Physician, what is it?" The Valide Sultan questioned panting

"Sultana, it is nothing to worry about. Our Haseki Sultana is pregnant" The physician spoke as she cleaned her hands

"My Mihrimah" Ahmed exclaimed rushing towards be and placing a gentle kiss on my forehead before caressing my messed hair.


"Sultana" Zenep exclaimed before she rushed into the room "Hümasha sultan is coming"

"Who is she?" I queried. I handed Osman to gülfem and got up to see the state of the harem

Everyone was in a rush, Agha's preparing a chamber for her while luscious food was cooked in the kitchen.

"Cennet Kalfa" I called. Cennet came and bowed Infront of me before speaking "My Sultana?"

"Who is this Hümasha sultan?" I spoke before an announcement interrupted me

"MAKE WAY, HÜMASHA SULTAN, HER HIGHNESS!" We heard an aga announcing from her afar. Hümasha sultan had arrived.

I walked over to the other sultanas with my head high.

The Sultana whom everyone awaited had arrived. Everyone except me and the Valide Sultan went into a deep bow as the golden haired woman entered the Harem

Following her came many chests and trunks, some containing her own stuff and others containing gold coins.

Hours later

"What does she want?" I asked Cennet who was pacing around Infront of me

"Sultana, in order to find out you must go see what she wants" Cennet said as she stopped and turned to look at me

I made my way to the sultanas Chamber and as soon as I entered Hümasha sultan got up from her sofa to greet me

"Sultanım, welcome" I spoke sitting down at the sofa

"So you are my nephew's favourite?" She hissed looking at me with hatred in her eyes. I knew she was going to take after her mother and choose to hate me.

"I am his Haseki, if you didn't know" I snapped making her smirk go away

"Where are the princes?" She asked looking away from my eyes which were planted on her face

"Asleep in their chamber" I quickly responded

"Have some tea, Sultanım" she spoke as she grabbed a small cup from the tray bülbül ağa was holding and gave it to me

I took the cup from her hands and slowly took a sip of the tea

"Come to the point, why did you want to see me?" I put down the cup and gave her all my attention

"I just wanted to see you" she said before pausing "I wanted to see what authority you hold"

"I hold most of the authority in the Harem, the Valide Sultan and I manage it" I stared deeply into her eyes making her uncomfortable

I got up and right before getting out of the door I turned to face her and I could see how uncomfortable she felt as I glared at her

𝐌𝐘 𝐒𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐀 | 𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐍𝐈𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐘: 𝐊𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐌Where stories live. Discover now