Silver (Female) X Male Reader

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(I don't own this pic. Art made by Arsworlds.)

General POV

(Y/N) was walking down the slopes of Green Hill Zone, finding a place to relax as he took the stroll.

Then he spotted someone was there with him. The place was completely quiet and lonely, but (Y/N) never knew someone else was here too.

For some reason, he diverted his direction and went to see who it was. When he got a little closer, he discovered it was a female silver hedgehog.

She was busy levitating water from a lake and was completely focused.

"Hm, impressive." (Y/N) said to himself.

The silver hedgehog began spreading the water over her. She actually playing with the water and she hovered it around. (Y/N) couldn't help but speak up.

"That's some really nice power you got there." He said.

The girl got a fright and due to lost of focus, the water splashed all over her, getting her drenched.

She turned to see who that voice that distracted her belonged to.

" alot of water on yourself. Uh...I'm sorry, was I interrupting?" (Y/N) asked even though he actually did.

"Well um, yeah, but it's fine." The hedgehog said and used her powers to take out all the water that got her drenched.

(Y/N) was amazed.

"Wow! You've got some, really amazing powers."

She chuckled shyly.

"Thanks. It's psychokinesis. It makes me use my mind to levitate anything, even my body." She explained.

"Interesting." He smiled. "I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) the (A/T)." He extended his hand for a handshake.

"I'm Silver the Hedgehog." She shook his hand. "I'm sure you must've heard about me... right?" She asked not really sure to herself.

"Um, not really. Doesn't ring a bell. I've only heard of Sonic the Hedgehog and Shadow the Hedgehog and their teams. I've never heard of a Silver. Why do ask anyway? Do you happen to be in Sonic's team?"

Silver was surprised that (Y/N) hasn't heard of her. Then does that mean other people are oblivious of her as well?

"Uhh! But...I'm a friend of Sonic's." She told him.

"Sorry, I've heard of people talking about Sonic and his crew, but I've never heard about you." (Y/N) said.

Silver stood there with a blank face as she turned paper white.

'This...I can't believe it.' she thought.

"I'm from the future! I appeared in this timeline since 2006. I even fought along with Sonic and Shadow against Mephiles the Dark. You must've have heard about that, right?"

"Wait..." (Y/N) took his time to think and that's when it all came back to him. "OHHH!! You're THAT Silver?!"


"Sorry, it's all coming back to me now." He said with a nervous smile and a hand behind his head. "But I've never really heard much about you. So what're you doing our here in Green Hill Zone?"

"I think I should be asking you the same question, but in any case, I just came here to relax my mind and have some little fun."

"Yeah, I get that alright." (Y/N) said with a readable smile and she immediately understood and blushed nervously. "I also came here to relax. Wanna come relax with me?"

"Uh...sure, I guess."


They both started taking a stroll until they got to the palm trees nearby and there they spotted a bench.

(Y/N) sat down and placed his two arms behind his head, relaxing. Silver sat beside him.

"So, you come here everytime you want to relax?"

"Not often, but...yeah." he replied.

His eyes were shut the whole time and he didn't even know when Silver stood up and sat on his lap until he felt it.


"Did I ever mentioned how cute you are~?" She asked with a sly smile and his face went red. Her arms were wrapped around his neck.

"Uh..." He was just speechless.

"Y'know what? I think this makes me feel more comfortable." She said.

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah." She sighed and rested her head on his shoulder. She then raised her head and kissed him on the cheek out of the blue. (Y/N) went completely red and felt like passing out.

He slowly wrapped his arms around her and shut his eyes. They remained like that for the time being.


SPOILER ALERT: Next up, Knuckles (Female) X Male Reader.

See ya!!!

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