Human Shadow (Female) x Human Male Reader

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(I thought of trying this baby out because it's actually cute. Hope you'll enjoy this, "humans". 😋)

(Also, this isn't fully human as you know, just take it as one of those anime characters with animal ears😋😋.)

         (Warning: Llllemonaaaade!)

(Y/N) was a guy who liked to keep a low profile of himself from everyone. He was kinda like a lone wolf but was okay with it. It'd be better not to interact with people than to do so and get into one form of trouble or the other. Yup! That's what he believed in. People, were trouble.

Same was with a certain hedgehog/human girl. She was known as the Ultimate Lifeform, but due to...*clears throat* something about the past, she had some sense of distrust with people and liked to keep herself distant. That was Shadow the Hedgehog.

The only person who was closest to her was Rouge (Ps: I didn't change Rouge's gender in this chapter), and she was fine with it. Only one person to be close to could be enough. Nothing more, nothing less. As for the rest, she keeps herself edgy and does 'brooding' most of the time.

... But that doesn't mean she doesn't have the interest of every other girl. One of the things they get them attracted to: Boys.

Buuut, Shadow didn't really like any boy she saw cuz well...she had no interest on any of them, not even among Sonic's friends. But when she sees a cute boy, she'll know.

(Y/N)'s POV

*Sigh*Another day, another unfolding of what the future of yesterday holds today.

At normal days, I'd like going out to see the world and mostly he at the park, cuz I enjoy every single moment I experience. Though I'm not social, I like taking strolls to see many things and activities of people in their everyday life. It's my lifestyle.

Today, I was going out, as usual, and decided to take the bus. I deliberately went to the stop too early, cuz I wanted to find time to sit down and relax and think of things as I view the world. I  got to the bus stop, I met like two to three persons there hanging around and decided to sit on the bench, minding my own business and not wanting to interact with all. I know, I'm a social freak but I've gotten use to this hell.

After some time of waiting, I decided to start using my phone to surf around the internet to see what's new.

Some minutes after, I was greeted by a flash of blue and quickly looked beside me and almost jumped out of my skin.

There was a girl suddenly sitting beside me. I could've sworn no one except me was sitting on this bench, and I didn't even see this girl around either. Where did she suddenly come from, and how? She looked like she had already been sitting there for a while now but I knew she wasn't there a few seconds ago. Was it magic? Strange. Also, she looked...mad.

She had black hair with red stripes and wore everything black. I kind of liked her dressing style because it actually reads my own personality.

The girl just sat there with arms folded, eyes shut and with a red irk on her forehead. I knew she must be really pissed off from the looks of it. I wonder why. As much as I wanted to ask, I didn't see it as any of my business and she might even think I'm weird for asking, so I just went back to what I was doing.

Shadow's POV

Sonic's pissed me off again. This is the third time in a row this week and I'm getting sick of it. This time, I tried to chase her to give her a piece of my mind, but then she used a tricky technique and I lost sight of her. I couldn't stand being where I was any more so I just decided to teleport here to sulk up. This was actually my favorite spot sometimes, though I don't really remember the last time I was here.

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